Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Guns for self defense is a basic human fundamental right! ========= The Press 10 November 1999 Invasions prompt inquiries for guns WELLINGTON — More people are trying to arm themselves with guns in the wake of an increase in home invasions, say gun sellers. Petone gun-shop owner John Howat was one of several gun sellers [...]

I worked a GOA booth at a Mesa AZ gun show this past Sat (Nov 13). We were passing out GOA Women’s voice literature to the ladies and discussing the importance of Women joining the 2A fight. One lady responded with “women have no business in the 2A fight, they should stay home and serve [...]

FAIR USE: School’s Gun Raffle Ticket Sales Up .c The Associated Press By MELINDA DESLATTE RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) – Gun advocates are buying tickets by the hundreds to show their support for a private school’s gun raffle, which drew criticism from school safety advocates in the wake of the Columbine massacre. Five hunting rifles and [...]

Neal Knox Nov 19

November 19, 1999

Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 14:32:48 EST From: [email protected] (Neal Knox) Nov. 19 update — The House passed the budget last night, and thinks — and hopes — that it has completed its work for the year. No gun provisions were included. The Senate is still wrangling and could even come back after Thanksgiving. The [...]

Outlaws and their guns

November 19, 1999 Outlaws and their guns Rash of gun crimes shows that enforcing the current laws is better than enacting new unenforced laws By Cal Thomas The latest shootings by two maniacs with grudges in Honolulu and in Seattle produced the predictable cries for more gun laws from Attorney General Janet Reno, Vice President Al(pha) Gore, [...]

Something to think about

November 19, 1999

Q: Why does the Constitution have a second amendment? A: In case the government doesn’t obey the first one. – Rush Limbaugh

Proof is in the Pudding

November 19, 1999

Now, this article, taken from today’s Seattle Times Website does say tough gun control helped, however, it *is* pointed out that the police taking a preventative stance on gun enforcement is likely responsible. I think what is paramount is for we, the pro community, use this information to combat the notion that, with all the [...]

The Politics Of Meaning

November 19, 1999

I recently stumbled upon a copy of TIKKUN magazine (a very liberal publication) and was surprised to see the words “gun” and “rights” in the same phrase on the cover. To see how liberals can (and I am not making this up) argue that the Second Amendment actually implies the existence of a right to [...]

Million Mom march

November 19, 1999

I would like to invite all of you to read information regarding the million mom march. You can find a topic on it at I encourage all women to please write. I think WAGC is a great org. and will be joining next week. The forums above are my forums, we have got some [...]

See Tennessee Law Review Spring 1995 symposium issue (Tennessee Law Review 915 Volunteer Blvd. College of Law – Dunford Hall, Knoxville, TN 37996-4070 – I think I had to send $10 for a copy a couple years ago) Several hundres pages of good refutation of the fabricated “data” moronic physicians (especially pediatricians) often use to [...]

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