Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

PAX and Levi’s

November 15, 1999

Posted to PIML by Robert Germann <[email protected]> November 15th Subject: PAX and Levi’s On 11/08/99 someone posted the machinations of the Levi Strauss company in their efforts to support victim disarmament. I sent an e-mail to the feedback link telling them I would never buy their products again: Feedback: The PR chick blew me [...]

Untax guns and ammunition!

November 15, 1999

Regulatory taxation is the other side of control. Untax firearms and ammunition! It’s a modern day tea party! You’re invited!

The following was posted at Capitol Hill Blue’s Reader Rant. Ladies and Gentlemen: This statement may appear too long to merit your time reading it. I believe you will find this is not true, for a number of reasons. But if you are reluctant to immediately read the entire statement, I suggest that you [...]

Rosie & Kmart together again!

November 15, 1999

Just as I thought Kmart was finally finished with Rosie–Last night I saw a new Christmas commercial, and Rosie was in it. Many of the pro-gun sites I regularly visit have stated that Kmart was not doing any more commercials with Rosie. (probably due to the pressure from the public). If you would like to [...]


November 14, 1999

I’ve been boycotting Sara Lee ever since they closed their east coast plant, laid off 8,000 American workers and moved the plant to Mexico. So much for NAFTA.

Mr. Tough on Crime

November 13, 1999

From the November 1999 issue of Guns Magazine – by Scott Farrell. “As the presidential campaign heats up in the coming months, one of the front runners will certainly be Vice President Al Gore. While the various candidates are jockeying for position on the issues, Gore has already made one of his policies very clear: [...]

Provided for educational purposes via a dear friend from Oregon. ===================== READING, Ohio (AP) — The city’s schools superintendent resigned following uproar over his suggestion to make guns available to teachers in case of attack. School board members announced a tentative agreement Thursday under which John Varis will be placed on administrative leave immediately and [...]

Posted to PIML by Lynell <[email protected]> with these comments. “This story was on the news. They interviewed her and she was one POed lady. She had the shotgun with her and showed what she did. Looked like she knew how to use that gun. She told the perps, “Move and I”ll blow your damned heads [...] In Australia, where strict new gun legislation was passed following a 1996 shooting rampage by a man who killed 35 people and wounded 19 others, gun-related crime has increased. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of armed robberies went up 39 percent last year and assaults involving guns rose 28 percent. [...]

When Guns are outlawed…..

November 9, 1999

THERE WILL STILL BE CRIME AND VIOLENCE! New York City with some of the most oppressive gun restrictive laws in the country This was mentioned by Rush Limbaugh today as coming from The Daily News (I was unable to find it online). from: state/new_york/story.html?s=v/rs/19991109/ny/index_2.html#3 Non-Gun Homicides On Rise In NYC – (NEW YORK) — Knives, [...]

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