Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Guns Make Us Safer
by Cal Thomas in Capitol Hill Blue
Charlton Heston’s Congressional Testimony on Project Exile
House Government Reform Subcommittee November 4, 1999 Mr. Chairman: Please forgive my fatigue. I am extremely short on sleep, so in the interest of brevity I propose we not talk about issues we dispute. Instead let’s talk about what’s not in dispute. There is no dispute that just 150 miles from here, in sleepy Richmond, [...]
Real Men Keep and Bear Arms
From the Voice News 11/11/1999 Real Men Keep And Bear Arms By James Crispino Canaan, CT The shots “heard ’round the world” were fired when Captain John Parker’s militia company stood in the way the British march toward Concord to confiscate military stores. Although Parker’s Minute Men fired the shots, they scarcely halted the [...]
some news for FLA
Member Council of Tampa Bay – Here is the latest threat to our gun rights here in Florida. I have done some preliminary research and found the sponsors of this bill are from Dade and Broward Counties with the exception of Miller who is a product of the Tampa, Hillsborough County area. This is [...]
while i fully support (bluntly put) OUR understanding of the 2nd amendment, i am very pessimistic about the future of gun ownership, in the U.S., and the world generally. i weould love to think that your organization, and the NRA, were acheiving your goals, but i see no sign of it. has anybody got any [...]
Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, GA…Crime Rate Plummets
Gun Ownership Mandatory In Kennesaw, GA…Crime Rate Plummets Why Doesn’t The Media Visit Kennesaw? By Chuck Baldwin 11-6-99 The New American magazine reminds us that March 25th marked the 16th anniversary of Kennesaw, Georgia’s ordinance requiring heads of households (with certain exceptions) to keep at least one firearm in their homes. The city’s [...]
ATTN SC Folks: An excellent local pro 2A Organization
Grass Roots South Carolina will hold its monthly meeting this coming Monday November 8, 1999 at Captain George’s Restaurant on Knox Abbott Dr. in Cayce, SC at 6:30 pm. The meeting is an hour in length and basically is an update report from each GRSC officer/staff in attendance. Discussion items this month will definitely include [...]
Sun LA Times Article: The Last Line of Defense….
Sunday, November 7, 1999 | Print this story The Last Line of Defense The right to bear arms is a matter of individual safety and, ultimately, freedom. The issue goes far beyond gun nuts. By ROBERT J. COTTROL The central premise of the gun control movement is that society becomes more civilized when the citizen [...]
Who Will Protect Us?
We must protect ourselves. This article perfectly demonstrates that the law will not. From Excitenews.comRapist, Just Out Of Jail, Rapes Victim Again Updated 6:56 AM ET November 5, 1999 DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (Reuters) – A convicted rapist released from prison four months ago broke into the home of a 75-year old woman he assaulted in [...]