Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

From, the people who brought slanted articles on a case of self defense (“He committed murder but won’t go to jail thanks to certain state laws”) and the article about a lady who talked an intruder into leaving…… What To Do If a Gunman Comes into Your Office November 3, 1999 SEATTLE – The [...]

Aussies Challenge Gun Ban

November 7, 1999

Aussies Challenge Gun Ban G’day to your Remington -by Pat Shannan Contrary to the worldwide belief created by a disinforming news media, the gun confiscation in Australia has not nearly succeeded. Handguns in Australia have been banned and strictly governed for decades, but such statutes have not prevented illegal weapons from entering the country and [...]

Well Not Exactly

November 6, 1999

From: THE FEDERALIST(r) DIGEST The Internet’s Conservative Journal of Record <<Tuesday a disgruntled employee murdered 7 people at a Xerox office building in Honolulu. You guessed it — all the lefty dictators are again proclaiming there is a “gun problem.” “Let’s not forget, 13 of our kids get shot every day,” claims Mr. Clinton. [...]

Neal Knox Report Nov 5 1999

November 6, 1999

Date: Fri, 5 Nov 1999 18:15:12 EST From: [email protected] (Neal Knox) Nov. 4 Knox Report – Vice President Al Gore will be up on the Hill today with House and Senate leaders pushing for Congress to pass the Juvenile Justice Bill — and particularly the gun provisions. It’s a charade, for those same folks are [...]

Rep. John Hostettler (R) from southwest Indiana is pro-gun. He outlines his stance at: Is More Federal Gun Control the Solution? John Hostettler: No. Let me begin by saying that the shootings in Colorado and last year in locations such as Kentucky and Arkansas are tragic and indicate some deep problems facing our society. [...]

Check us out! Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc.

*** Hit Back at Anti-Gunners – Citizens Of America Update –from Russ Howard COA has received nearly $4,000 in PLEDGES (not donations) from the $100-squared match. Happily, nearly half of you who made pledges went ahead and mailed in $100 donations even though we’re far from the $10,000 initial goal. Thanks to those donations, COA [...]

Orrin Hatch, Henry Hyde and the FBI: — Just three reasons why you need to call your Congressmen soon! Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 “Juvenile justice is alive and well,” said an aide to Sen. Hatch. “Hatch met as late [...]

This is NOT redundant information. It is essential stuff and I challenge all who read/receive this e-mail to jump on the chance to make a statement for the RKBA and the 2A. I have sent in my 10.00 for the raffle and I have listed the notice of the raffle at The Tactical Lady. [...] Media Lock and Load on the Second Amendment By L. Brent Bozell III May 4, 1999 The National Rifle Association has already won, hands down, the distinction of having the worst luck of any lobbying group in politics this year. Days before a big three-day NRA convention would begin in Denver, the Columbine High [...]

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