Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
From JPFO: Hawaii’s “Gun Control”: Formula for Mass Murder
ALERT FROM JEWS FOR THE PRESERVATION OF FIREARMS OWNERSHIP America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization November 4, 1999 HAWAII?S “GUN CONTROL”: FORMULA FOR MASS MURDER Looking for the formula for mass murder? Here it is: Person with evil intent to kill many people + Any deadly weapon + Guarantee that the intended victims can?t fight back [...]
We must make a stand!
I have begun to contact my Senators & Representative concerning the very dangerous precedent that is being set in today’s political climate. It was bad enough for Americans to be willing to give up civil liberties allowing the government to circumvent the 4th & 5th amendments to carry on the “war on drugs”, but now [...]
Success Story
This was mailed to me by another pro RKBA person, it’s anonymous, simply because I don’t want to post anyone’s email address secondhand, but posted with permission. This is one of over 6800 daily defensive uses of a gun. This was very much like what happened to my elderly mother last year, except she was [...]
Palms Springs (Calif) Gun Club If you happen to be in the SoCal desert on vacation, come on out and shoot with us! Matches are held every weekend, and are open to the public. Take care, JT
Colt-Curious news.
It seems that there is a very confusing political situation going on behind the news of Colt’s dramatic change. Just passing it along, since it had been discussed in an earlier thread. Please spread this aggressively. > > > >Donald Zilkha is the investor who owns Colt. Valerie is his wife. > > > >Center [...]
Now just kick Hillary back to Arkansas! ====== Breaking news on AP… GUN OWNERS SCORE SUPRISING UPSET VICTORY NEW YORK (AP) — Striking a note of contrition, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani acknowledged that he erred by rushing a City Charter revision proposal to the ballot, instead of waiting for next year. “I made a mistake in [...]
An interesting list about Clinton.
Folks, While I do not comepletely agree with every segment here, I felt the following was an interesting list of the accomplishments of the Clinton administration. It bears scrutiny & is informative. However I must add one more to the list: Thank you, Mr. Clinton, for trying to disarm honest citizens instead of criminals. Now [...]
Honolulu and Seattle
By now most of you have heard/read about the workplace shootings in Honolulu and Seattle. Seattle being the big city nearest my home town, this strikes a very close chord with me. Women who are pro liberty and pro protection cannot be quiet and demure. We need our faces in the media. We need to [...]
Some excerps from a place everyone must visit!
Notable Quotes The following quotes are taken from several sources. They provide some guidance for interpretation of the Constitution. “It is every Americans’ right and obligation to read and interpret the Constitution for himself.” –Thomas Jefferson “On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect [...]
This website is incredible!
Thank you for this site. Its beautiful, informative, and one of the best I’ve seen on the subject of our liberties. Kudos to WAGC and their website staff.