Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Cop Speaks on Gun Control

November 2, 1999

A Speech by Lt. Harry Thomas, Cincinnati Police Division, Fountain Square, Cincinnati, Ohio. Delivered February 27, 1994. Welcome to the People’s Republic of Cincinnati! As usual, since I am speaking publicly, I must make the following disclaimer: I am not speaking to you as an official spokesman or representative of the Cincinnati Police Division. If [...]

The following article was in the Indianapolis Star on Sunday, 10/31/99. This article perfectly illustrates why women need to come to the forefront of the gun control debate and say NO to more firearm legislation. As women, we need to make it loud and clear that not all support gun control. We need to make [...]

From: Neal Knox <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Date: Monday, November 01, 1999 2:53 PM Subject: Gun ‘Compromise’ Brewing Nov. 1 update – House Republican leaders are supposedly canvassing their members today about the latest Hyde-Hastert “compromise” gun provisions for the Juvenile Justice bill. I haven’t seen the language, but it’s called “Dingell-Plus.” It supposedly would [...]

In the new (Sept-Oct, 1999) issue of The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice (vol 12, #5). an article about physicians discussing gun safety with patients. The article is titled “Family Practice Patients’ Attitudes Toward Firearm Safety as a Preventive Medicine Issue: A HARNET Study.” (“HARNET” is the Harrisburg Area Research Network, a [...]

Dang, now I know why the guys won’t let me go hunting ============== Women changing the face of hunting By Claire Martin Denver Post Staff Writer Oct. 31 – Earlier this year, Sally Delange and her husband were hunting elk when she passed up a clear shot at a big bull only 18 yards away. [...]

FAIR USE! Using new law, Conn. police seize 11 guns from home By Associated Press, 11/01/99 GREENWICH, Conn. – Police used a new gun law to raid an Old Greenwich house and seize 11 guns from a man they say may be dangerous. But Thompson Bosee says he legally owns the weapons and does not [...]

Washington State?

November 1, 1999

My apologies in advance if I step on any procedure toes here I’m just wondering if there are other ladies/gents here in the Western Washington area. I, personally, would be interested in talking about opportunities for vocal political action, meeting up at the range, perhaps setting up defensive workshops, and maybe becoming a local voice [...]

Your thoughts?

November 1, 1999

Below is an article from today’s Seattle Times ( ). For a long time I, personally, have viewed the media as putting so much emphasis on these school killings and making guns……not the troubled children…the big issue here. Anyway, about *this* particular circumstance. It seems that now any kid can shut down a school [...]

Look Here

October 31, 1999

Please go to . They are currently polling as to whether or not 18 year old persons should have handguns. They forward your opinion to your legislators. It’s currently running heavily in our favor. Let’s keep it that way. Thanks

Boycott Levi

October 31, 1999

Levi has jumped on the Politically Correct bandwagon by trying to take a bite out of us gun owners. Check out the Levi website at Follow the links that invite you to ‘Sign the Pax Petition’. They are attempting to get 1 million signitures on a PAX Petition to stop gun violence. Stopping gun [...]

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