Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
School Safety
School Safety Armed First Responders are Needed in Schools Fred Willoughby Deseret News (UT) December 17, 2006,1249,650215354,00.html “First responders are the people already at the scene, such as school officials. First responders do have the element of surprise. This is very important in shooting incidents.” Nevada State Senator Proposes Letting Teachers Carry Guns Associated [...]
Ireland Dublin Jury Acquits Irish Farmer for Fatally Shooting Burglar in Back Shawn Pogatchnik Associated Press (Ireland) December 14, 2006 “A Dublin jury acquitted a farmer Thursday who fatally shot a burglar in the back — a case that attracted national attention because the slain man was a member of Ireland’s gypsy minority.” Irish [...]
The Debate is Not Yet Over
The Debate is Not Yet Over Clive Edwards Enter Stage Right November 20, 2006 “It is worth noting that over the course of the gun control debate in Canada the emphasis has shifted from ‘sporting use’ and ‘hunting’ as valid reasons for owning firearms to ‘personal protection’.” The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
U.N. To World: You Have No Human Right to Self-Defense
U.N. To World: You Have No Human Right to Self-Defense America’s First Freedom November 2006 “Thwarted by the demise of its global gun ban treaty, the United Nations declares the human right of self-defense null and void.” The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Albion Tourgee and the Second Amendment
Albion Tourgee and the Second Amendment The Volokh Conspiracy December 4, 2006 “Tourgee’s book about the Ku Klux Klan explained that during the 1870s, in Southern areas where the black militias lost and the Klan or other white groups took control, ‘Almost universally the first thing done was to disarm the negroes and leave [...]
Off Target. A 1989 College Shooting in Montreal Incited a $2 Billion Canadian Long Gun Reg
Off Target. A 1989 College Shooting in Montreal Incited a $2 Billion Canadian Long Gun Registry America’s First Freedom December 2006 Seventeen years later, another Montreal college shooting mocks the failed registry. The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Danger Evident in Posing Mandatory Gun Storage Laws
Danger Evident in Posing Mandatory Gun Storage Laws Atlanta Journal-Constitution Editorial: Equal Time November 8, 2006 The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Dave Kopel on C-Span: Moderated Debate
Dave on C-Span: Moderated Debate The Denver Press Club C-Span Archives November 15, 2006 The Denver Press Club hosts a debate on the issue of gun control. Arnold Grossman, author of “One Nation Under Guns – An Essay on An American Epidemic,” argues the pro-gun control case while David Kopel, co-editor of “Gun [...]
Why The Kyrgyz, and Not Us (FW: SRA – Self-Defense Koncepts Ex-Soviet Style…?)? Date: Dec 28, 2006 6:16 PM —— Forwarded Message From: Brad3000 < Subject: SRA – Self-Defense Koncepts Ex-Soviet Style…? FYI – Permit issue is for life… however long that is there. <>Kyrgyz lawmakers vote to permit themselves to carry weapons 15.12.2006 16:39 [...]
SAF Inaugurates ‘Roosevelt Courageous Woman’ Award=?ISO-8859-1?Q??=
SAF Inaugurates ?Roosevelt Courageous Woman? Award=?ISO-8859-1?Q??= Date: Dec 28, 2006 3:55 PM ——————————————————————————– NEWS RELEASE SAF INAUGURATES ?ROOSEVELT COURAGEOUS WOMAN? AWARD BELLEVUE, WA ? Recalling that the late former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was a firm, if not outspoken, advocate of personal defense ? she campaigned for civil rights in 1958 in Tennessee with a [...]