Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Gun Control
Gun Control David B. Kopel Change in Command Issue 24 January, 2009> Dave here examines how Americans should view the inauguration of President Obama from a 2nd Amendment perspective.
Colt New Service revolver explained (ebook)
To whom it may concern, a new downloadable publication on the Colt New Service revolvers was released recently : Many other ebooks on various firearms are also available here : Content of the ebook : Dismounting of the Colt New Service revolver (I) – Removing the cylinder/crane assembly – Access to the trigger [...]
Antidepressants are an epidemic in UT and ID!!!
Maybe the brain chemical altering antidepressant DRUGS may be having some affect on decisions, such as those kids from Columbine. You know even Dr. Laura wouldn’t treat anyone with “depression” unless they changed their diets and did an hour of exercise daily. It’s amazing what natural endorphins and serotonin can produce in mood elevators. Wow, [...]
This is a speech given to the eagle Forum By WAGC’s President and Founder – Janalee Tobias. Excellent speech JT! ——————– Clinging to Guns and Religion…What we can expect during an Obama Presidency …There have been times in my lifeas Im sure each one of you have experiencedwhen we have had trials that seem too [...]
Steven Holbrook testifying against Holder 4 AG The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !
Police May Take the Rest of Your Life to Arrive
Police May Take the Rest of Your Life to Arrive Written by Daniel White Monday, 19 January 2009 A tragedy occurred yesterday when a 48-year-old Columbus woman was killed in front of her apartment building while on the phone with a 911 operator. Police told 10TV News the victim called 911 twice on Sunday. The [...]
Sarah Brady, meet ObamaNation
Sarah Brady, meet ObamaNation Date: Jan 21, 2009 6:27 PM Dear NAGR supporter: Well, ObamaNation is here. We heard lots of sweet-sounding words on Inauguration Day . . . but what did they all mean? While some may have felt inspired, you and I know that despite all the pretenses of civility, unity, and hope, [...]
New Gun Control Book from the Cato Institute
“Gun Control on Trial is an essential history made up of equal parts legal theory and personal struggle, presented in page-turning fashion.” -GLENN REYNOLDS Professor of Law, University of Tennessee Founder, Hardcover: $16.95 (retail) In November, the Cato Institute is publishing Gun Control on Trial: Inside the Supreme Court Battle over the Second Amendment, [...]
An Armed Citizenry: ?
An Armed Citizenry: In 2002, when Shelley Parker discovered the Capitol Hill home she had recently bought was located on a block where men gathered to drink beer and possibly sell drugs, she got a dog for protection, installed a security camera and joined an anti-crime patrol. These actions earned her taunts and death threats [...]
Canada:Stop blaming crime on guns (Letter to editor)
Re: ‘Anyone At Any Time,’ Dec. 27. A quote from this story: “The number of shootings [in Toronto] has risen 18% this year, compared with the same period last year. The number of shooting victims, up to Dec. 15, has increased by 41%.” How can this be? Wasn’t the Liberal party’s much-vaunted Firearms Act supposed [...]