CCRKBA Alerts : The lieing Brady Bunch @ it again !

March 1st, 2012

Date: Sep 30, 2005 6:19 PM

BELLEVUE, WA ? A deplorable advertising effort mounted by the Brady Campaign to Control Gun Violence that warns tourists they might be killed by legally-armed Florida residents is tantamount to terrorism, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today.

The Brady Campaign is running ads in several American cities and in the United Kingdom that say “Warning: Florida residents can use deadly force.” Another advertisement warns Florida-bound tourists to “Use special caution in arguing with motorists on Florida roads.” The Florida tourism industry is properly furious, and Sunshine State gun owners have every right to feel insulted.

“The Brady Campaign has descended to a new low,” said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. “This factually-challenged organization has always been extremist in its philosophy. Spreading hysteria is their political stock in trade, but now they are deliberately trying to terrify tourists, including those from other countries. To do that, they’re openly suggesting that legally armed, law-abiding Florida residents are emotionally unbalanced to the point that they would gun down tourists.

“Because their insidious gun control schemes have been increasingly rejected by American voters, Congress and state legislatures,” Waldron continued, “these rabid anti-freedom zealots are now trying to villify our country in the eyes of foreign visitors. The Brady bunch is essentially telling British subjects not to come here because legally-armed American citizens cannot be trusted, and might murder them.

“The Brady camp simply cannot bring itself to admit that America is safer because its citizens retain and exercise their firearm civil rights,” Waldron observed. “Anti-gun fanatics despise the fact that millions of Americans are legally armed, and that their campaign of vitriol couldn’t change that. But now they are taking their message of hate and social bigotry toward American gun owners to the international level. In the process, they are slandering the reputation of the great state of Florida, and demonizing its residents.

“Even for the Brady Campaign, sinking to this level of contemptibility just didn’t seem possible,” Waldron acknowledged. “These people long ago proved they have no credibility. Now they are demonstrating to the world that they have no shame.”