March 1st, 2012

BELLEVUE, WA ? The City of Seattle plans to hire a “Crime Gun Program Coordinator” who, from all indications, will be “nothing more than a bureaucrat whose job will be to create and advocate gun control schemes under the guise of stopping criminal misuse of firearms,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) said today.

The Crime Gun Program Coordinator will be hired ? at a cost to taxpayers of between $61,366 and $92,060 ? by the Seattle Police Department. This coordinator will, according to the job description, “develop, maintain and coordinate a centralized and regionally comprehensive crime gun database and integrate the data with relevant information” from the State Department of Licensing, Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and other law enforcement agencies. That person will also be an “inter-agency liaison” at various meetings “pertaining to crime gun issues.”

“This position is nothing more than the Seattle Police Department’s official gun control advocate,” said CCRKBA Executive Director Joe Waldron. “They’re using an inflammatory term ? ?crime gun’ ? to demonize any and all firearms that may, for example, be stolen and later recovered from residential or commercial burglaries, but are never really used in a crime.

“Look closely at the job description and it is obvious what this taxpayer-funded position is really all about,” Waldron continued. “Much of what this so-called crime gun coordinator will do is help the Office for Intergovernmental Relations develop ?gun legislation.’ It’s already against the law in Washington State to assault, rob or murder someone with a firearm, or to have a gun if you are a convicted felon, or if you are under indictment, subject to a domestic violence restraining order, a former mental patient, drug or alcohol abuser.

“Short of proposing new laws designed solely to impair the gun rights of law-abiding citizens, or chip away at state preemption, or erode Washington’s concealed carry statute, just what kind of law would this coordinator be proposing,” he wondered. “You don’t suppose a department run by an anti-gun police chief who originally came from Buffalo, New York would dare try to erode the Washington State Constitutional right to bear arms, do you?

“If the Seattle Police want to spend up to $92,000 on a crime gun specialist,” Waldron said,” that person’s first order of business should be to go out and recover the handgun that was stolen from Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske’s car more than a year ago. Other than that, I can’t think of a single useful thing this job will accomplish.”



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