Check This site out!

March 1st, 2012

Check this site out. A former cop, who happens to be a black American
has established this site. The article below is typical of the
information and sentiment on this list from both black and white
members, We need this kind of cohesion to prevail. If we are not
polarized and divided, as the Administration wishes, we will prevail.


Gun control has a dark history in America. These racist laws have
origins from the black codes passed in the 1700′s. Today they are being
applied across the board and effect all law-abiding citizens. Many of
our so called black leaders and limousine liberals have embraced Sarah
Brady of Handgun Control, Inc. They also pay homage to President William
Jefferson Clinton. Some of my fellow brethren think he is best thing
since sliced bread. President Clinton is a strong supporter of gun
control and uses inner city violence as a platform to disarm all
law-abiding citizens. Gun prohibitionists have also blamed the southern
gun culture, whatever that means, for rural shootings. To date President
Clinton is the most anti-gun president in American history. This feel
good anti-gun rhetoric is in the name of fighting crime.

There exists the misconception, among some members in the black
community, the NRA as being an all white racist organization . Once an
individual stated the NRA was started by the KKK. There is no
documentation to support these accusations. A die hard racist,
regardless of color, is not going to pay an annual or life membership to
an organization that supports the rights of all law-abiding citizens to
“keep and bear arms.” Ask the residents of Monroe North Carolina during
the 1950′s.

The following story taken from the American Rifleman, November 1995,
page 41 by Tanya K. Metaksa.

Monroe, North Carolina, 1957. The Monroe chapter of the NAACP feared
intimidation and violent attack at the hands of the Klu Klux Klan.
Bravely, the Monroe NAACP members continued their civil rights struggle.
They exercised their civil liberties. Their voting rights. Their right
to speak out. To assemble. To associate with one another. But the Klu
Klux Klan kept pushing and pushing-and they were armed, and they were
illegally using those arms.

In retaliation for a resistance effort organized by the chapter’s vice
president, the Klan set about driving through black neighborhood and
firing guns at homes. They targeted particularly the home of the chapter
vice president, Dr. Albert E. Perry.

So, the Monroe chapter of the NAACP decided to exercise another of their
civil liberties-the right to keep and bear arms. In 1957, 60 members of
the Monroe chapter of the NAACP affiliated with NRA and received
firearms training. Many posted themselves at Dr. Perry’s home. When the
Klan drove into the neighborhood for another night of tyranny, they came
face to face with the Second Amendment.

In the words of one participant: “An armed motorcade attacked Dr.
Perry’s house which is situated on the outskirts of the colored
community. We shot it out with the Klan and repelled their attack and
the Klan didn’t have any more stomach for this type of fight. They
stopped raiding our community.” The terrorists failed, because one right

Today the enemy comes from within the black community. Criminals are
intimidating and killing innocent people. Black on black crime is
constant focus of the mainstream media. They focus on the instrument
used in the crime as opposed to prosecuting criminals to the maximum
letter of the law. Gun prohibitionists use this as a platform for
passing additional gun control laws. There are 20,000 plus gun laws on
the books currently not being enforced. Gun control effects law-abiding
citizens who live in high crime areas including yours truly. Criminals
are not going to purchase a firearm at the local gun store. They don’t
submit to waiting periods and background checks to purchase a firearm.
They purchase them illegally from the black market. No pun intended.

Suing firearms manufacturers will not solve the problem. These lawsuits
will eventually drive up the price of firearms and place them out of
reach from Americans who need them the most. This high pricing tactic
was used during the black codes. This method also priced guns out of the
reach of freed slaves and poor whites. Today all Americans will be
effected. Smaller companies will go out of business placing people in
the unemployment line. Gun prohibitionists could care less. Their
primary objective is to disarm all law-abiding citizens by any means
necessary in the name of fighting crime. The phrase “Saturday Night
Special” is racist in origin and has no technical meaning.

Unfortunately, the NAACP has jumped on the bandwagon by filing a lawsuit
against gun manufacturers. If the NAACP wants to fight crime and gun
violence, they should support programs such as Project Exile as
originally written and currently enforced in Virginia. Violent felons
caught with a firearm during the commission of a crime are automatically
sent to prison with no deals for reduced time. All time is served. The
firearms violations are not dropped. Gun safety is another issue. The
non-political Eddie Eagle Gun Safety Program is recognized nationwide.
It teaches children from 0 – 6th grade this life saving message: “If you
programs work.

While the NAACP grandstands in front of the media providing meaningless
sound bites, thousands of dedicated NRA members are saving lives on a
daily basis passing out life saving information within their respective
communities across America. The current NAACP leadership have forgotten
their roots. If we do not remember the history of gun confiscation
during WWII, we are doomed to repeat it.

Without gun rights, there can be no civil rights for all people.

Frank M. Reed, NRA Life Member

taken from Franks’ site