Child Gun Deaths Drop 10%

March 1st, 2012

This report can be found at the CDC web site. They have come out
with the 1998 stats. If you look them over, the 3792 deaths are for
ages “under 1 year” through age 19. Here’s the total line from page
67, table 18, Number of deaths from injury by firearm:

All ages: 30,708

Under 1 year: 5
1 – 4: 78
5 – 9: 96
10 – 14: 433
15 – 19: 3180

So, of the 3792 deaths they are shoving at us, 3180 are for
“children” 15 and over. That’s also out of a total of 30,708 gun
related deaths. So, even if you count every person that died by gun
under the age of 20, you would only eliminate about 10% of all gun

BTW, the largest number of gun deaths, 4240, were in the age group
of 20 to 24. What do you want to bet that HCI is going to start
talking about 8032 children killed by guns VERY soon?

After reading the article and looking up the actual numbers by age,
this kind of bias on the part of government officials is tightening
my jaws to a couple of hundred foot pounds!

I’ve got links to the NewsMax article and the CDC data on my web
site under “very interesting” if you want to look into it with more
depth. I’m going to cross check accidental deaths against the
totals above and see what intentional violence works out to…
