Clinging to Guns and Religion…What we can expect during an Obama Presidency

March 1st, 2012

This is a speech given to the eagle Forum By WAGC’s President and Founder – Janalee Tobias. Excellent speech JT!


Clinging to Guns and Religion…What we can expect during an Obama Presidency

…There have been times in my lifeas Im sure each one of you have experiencedwhen we have had trials that seem too much for us to bear. It has been during these times when I have turned to God and my religion for strength. In fact, a favorite hymn of mine contains the words, The Lord is my light, the Lord is my strength, I know in His might, Ill conquer at length.

Throughout my life, I have experienced a great deal of harassment from men who have stalked me or followed me home. Since I became a political activist, I have received a great deal of hate mail and vandalism to my home, cars, and pets. It has been during these times that I have relied on my guns for protection. Theres not a more helpless feeling than sitting in your home knowing that if someone broke into your house, and you didnt have a gun, that you would have to call 911 or reach for a broom for protection. Well, Ill tell you whatIll be reaching for my 9 MM or my Beretta or my Browning. Theres a real sense of security knowing that guns at least give you a fighting chance against rapists, thieves, and murderers. Or put another way, When there arent any warm, strong shoulders of a man to lean on for protection, nothing feels better than the cold, steel barrel of a gun.

God, my religion, and my guns have been a great strength to me throughout my life and have protected me and have given me security when all else has failed.

So, when then candidate Barack Obama said at a San Francisco fundraiser, So its not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who arent like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations, Im offended by that. For Obama to try to score cheap political points with the liberals in San Francisco and make a mockery of my faith and firearms which our founding fathers gave us–the inalienable right to own, is disgusting.

Patrick Henry said, The great object is that every man be armed. Everyone who is able, may have a gun. And yes, he meant every woman as wellthe 2nd Amendment says the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The founding fathers could have said the right of men, but they assured the right of women as well as men to keep and bear arms.

Heres what the good book says about the ability to protect yourself in Luke 22:36: Then he said unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. Also, in Luke 11:21, Jesus said, “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.” I know at one point Jesus told Peter to put up his sword, but He did not tell him to give up his sword.

Mormon church prophet, Joseph Smith, Jr., wrote in a letter to his Uncle John in Nauvoo, June 17, 1844, If a mob annoy you, defend yourselves to the very lastnever give up your arms, but die first. Joseph Smith also wrote to his wife Emma while he was in Carthage Jail, June 27, 1844, There is one principal which is Eternal. It is the duty of all men to protect their lives and the lives of their households whenever necessity requires. And no power has a right to forbid it.

I choose to abide by the teachings of Jesus, Joseph Smith, and our founding fathers–they care more about my safety than Barack Obama does.

Thankfully, millions of Americans also are abiding by the teachings of the good book, our founding fathers, and other religious and spiritual leaders. Gun sales and ammo sales have skyrocketed since Obama won the presidency. Record numbers of people are attending gun shows. I can vouch for that. I attended last Saturdays gun show and it was packed and many of the vendors had run out of ammo. Going to gun shows renews my faith in the American people to know that not everyone is waiting on the government to protect them, feed them, and clothe them.

During his campaign, Obama told a crowd at a glass factory in Pennsylvania, If youve got a gun in your house, Im not taking it, Obama said. But the Illinois senator could still see skeptics in the crowd, particularly on the faces of several men at the back of the room. So he tried again. Even if I want to take them away, I dont have the votes in Congress, he said. This cant be the reason not to vote for me. Can everyone hear me in the back? I see a couple of sportsmen back there. Im not going to take away your guns.

While Obama was a candidate for senator in Illinois, his candidate questionnaire asked: Question 35. Do you support state legislation to: a. ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns? Yes. b. ban assault weapons? Yes. c. mandatory waiting periods and background checks? Yes. As a U.S. Senator, he received an F rating from the NRA and Gun Owners of America from issues ranging to voting to renew the assault weapons ban to mandatory child safety locks, and several other votes against gun owners and gun manufacturers.

Obama said even if he wanted to take away your guns, he wouldnt have the votes in Congress. Well, he might not have the votes in Congress, but he can appoint judges who have anti-gun biases. Worse yet, hearings are currently being held in the Judiciary Committee to confirm Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General. Heres a little bit about Eric Holder in case you havent heard: Holder supports:

federal licensing of handgun owners

a three-day waiting period on handgun sales

rationing handgun sales to no more than one per month

banning possession of handguns and so-called “assault weapons” by anyone under age 21

a gun show restriction bill that would have given the federal government the power to shut down all gun shows

national gun registration

Wrote an amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the U.S. in the recent Heller case in which he stated that a complete ban of handguns and rifles did not violate the Second Amendment and that guns are only for the National Guard

And thats not allhe worked in the Clinton administration to pardon white collar criminals and terrorists. He played controversial roles in WACO and the kidnapping of Elian Gonzales.

So, why, then, with all these strikes against him, is Eric Holders biggest cheerleader Senator Orrin Hatch? His decision to support Eric Holder could undermine GOP efforts to stall or block the confirmation. Most Obamas cabinet nominees are known for their anti-gun biases, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) said that Holder would be the only Cabinet nominee to face a tough confirmation fight.

I know that Orrin Hatch has a great respect for the Eagle Forum and those who attend Eagle Forum conventions. I believe that if the people here today, the Magnum Force of Utah, bombarded Orrin Hatchs office with faxes, phone calls, e-mails, and even personal visits to Hatchs officeand asked a few people to do the samethat he could be persuaded to withdraw his support for Eric Holder. As I prepared for this speech, I asked gun groups what I could tell you is the most pressing issue right now to protect gun rights, and they all agreed that it is to stop the confirmation of Eric Holder as U.S. Attorney General. Since Harry Reid is facing a potential tough re-election race in 2010, some people believe that he may start listening to the public on this issue. If Holder is approved by the Judiciary Committee, then we should also bombard Senator Bennett in record numbers.

I have Hatchs information with me today if you want to get it from me, or its really pretty easy to find in the phone books or on-line.

Gun groups also mentioned to be aware of the proposed Blair Holt Gun Laws which bear a striking resemblance to the Nazi Weapons Laws of 1938. An Obama administration will also attempt to slide gun control through amendments and expanding other gun control bills, executive regulations, and of course, by appointing anti-gun judges….

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !