C’Mon Rosie By: Karl F. Auerbach (fair use0
C’mon Rosie
By: Karl F. Auerbach
Posted: 06.06.00
Karl’s Home Page
You’re making it too easy.
I really prefer a challenge. I hate it when you and the other statists do your regular thing and spout out nonsense without someone proofing it first.
What happens is idiocy that the whole world can instantly spot. It takes the fun out of pointing it out in my off-center fashion.
What’s her latest? Look at this quote: “The only life that is important to [the NRA] is white, Republican life.”
Amazing, huh? In one sentence, she completely marginalized all non-Republican, non-white members of the NRA. Don’t ask her what that
comment is based on; she doesn’t know. It just jumped out of her mouth, probably because the idea sounded so good for those few moments it spent rocketing between the only two active brain cells she possesses.
Having said how easy this is, please excuse me if I run with it, anyway. It’s a slow week…
So upon what does Rosie base this statement? What source of information provided this keen insight? Maybe a quote from Charleton Heston? Someone else from the NRA?
Perhaps something in the charter or by-laws. You know, “We, the God-fearing, white Republican people of America, in an effort to ensure that no other racial group has guns, hereby declare that the NRA is for white Republicans, only. We just don’t care if any person in any other racial group gets killed, as long as they aren’t white Republicans. We won’t tell anyone that we’re a white, Republican organization; we want their dues!”
Ever hear of those efforts by the NRA to have the Eddie Eagle gun safety program taught at inner-city schools? Those schools that probably don’t hold a plethora of white Republicans? Why do you suppose the white Republican NRA wants to teach to those poor, nonwhite, non-Republican kids how to safely deal with guns when encountered?
Did you remember to extract the cognitive portion of your anatomy from your alimentary exit channel? It appears by what you say that’s where you store your head, but please, why prove it?
Unfortunately, the above is just another in a long line of stupid, ignorant bleatings we’ve come to expect from Rosie. Like this: “The Second Amendment has been interpreted by the Supreme Court to be regarding a well-regulated militia — that the Second Amendment refers to a well-regulated militia — the Supreme Court has continually upheld this. And it never, ever was interpreted that the Second Amendment meant individual’s right to bear arms.”
Not even close; I pity anyone who chooses Rosie as a “lifeline” in the millionaire TV show. Rosie never has let facts get in her way. She actually
thinks that facts are anything that passes over her lips going out. But she really just confuses facts with her own exhaled hot air. Facts don’t stink
like that.
Idiocy as a tool against the NRA is becoming a trademark of leftist and statists. For example, Gore’s recent declaration that the last time Moses
listened to a bush, the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert. A cutesy stab at Heston and George W., but Good God, Al, haven’t you read the Bible? Even I, a self-admitted agnostic, have read the damn thing. Even I know that when Moses listened to the burning bush, the result was the freedom of the Israelites from bondage. Even I know that the 40 years spent wandering in the desert was a result of the Israelites not listening to the word of God or to Moses, and deciding that a life of anything goes is better.
Read, Al, for God’s sake, before you make a further idiot out of yourself. But that’s probably a hopeless task. Your idiocy comes with a lifetime
warranty which you fully intend to enforce.
And so does Rosie’s. She goes out of her way to prove it. Constantly. “I hate to disappoint the gun lobby, but it would have been a big feather in
their cap had they found an unlicensed, unregistered gun on the bodyguard of one of America’s most vocal gun-control advocates.”
Here’s a clue for you, oh clueless one: the feather is in the NRA’s cap is based on your glaring hypocrisy: insisting that the 2nd Amendment has
nothing to do with citizens owning guns, while hiring an armed bodyguard to protect you and yours. Sure, it’s OK for your family to be protected, but the rest of us can go to hell. Thanks. Your leftist-liberal “concern” for my welfare is touching. Now quit touching me!
Want some more examples of hypocrisy? Try this: “The daytime talk host for Warner Brothers television said she has armed guards that patrol outside her home, but does not allow armed guards inside her house.”
How big of her! No pun intended, at least not overtly. Of course she doesn’t let the armed guards in her house; where’s the inside threat when the guards are outside, keeping any bad folks out there? But what about the rest of us who can’t afford to hire guards to keep bad people out? What do we do? Beat intruders over the head with a copy of the Constitution? Quote for them her idiotic insistence that “government studies … show an increase in gun accidents when firearms are kept inside the home”? Yeah, that should stop them cold in their tracks. Actually, showing them a picture of Rosie might do more to frighten bad people away. God knows it frightens me to the point of changing the channel every time I come across her on TV.
Like I said, too easy. I liked Rosie when she did her old comedy routine. You know, before her self-declared diva-ship. But this new venture in comedy is just too weird.
Now, on to more challenging subjects. How about that Al Gore with the spray-on makeup? Or the new fat police?
Talk about too weird…