CO: Good Chance to kill a bad Bill
—–Original Message—–
From: Gun Owners of America <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 4:27 PM
Subject: CO: A Good Chance To Kill A Bad Bill
>Your Efforts Paying Off — Gun Show Bill In Trouble
>Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
>8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
>Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
>Colorado Action Alert — February 4, 2000
>HB 1242, the bill that would impose the unconstitutional Brady
>Registration checks on private sales at gun shows, which would
>probably END GUN SHOWS in Colorado and represents an obvious first
>step in REGISTRATION OF ALL PRIVATE SALES, is facing heavy
>opposition. There is a very good chance that your efforts might
>stop it completely.
>Please, right away, contact the State Legislators on the House
>Appropriations Committee listed below. Their votes could mean life
>or death to this blatant registration scheme. Tell them to vote
>against HB 1242:
> Capitol Home E-mail
>Rep. Debbie Allen 303-866-2942 303-695-4920 [email protected]
>Rep. Gayle Berry 303-866-2582 970-255-9121 [email protected]
>Rep. Joyce Lawrence 303-866-2922 [email protected]
>Rep. Brad Young 303-866-2940 [email protected]
>Rep. Nancy Spence 303-866-2935 303-690-5106 [email protected]
>Rep. Gary McPherson 303-866-2944 [email protected]
>You can also reach all State House Representatives at this toll free
>number: 1-800-811-7647.
>This is the best chance for gun owners in Colorado to put an end to
>this state level Brady plot before it reaches the floor of the
>House, where it will be much more difficult to kill. Again, contact
>the legislators listed above right away and tell them to oppose HB
>1242, the unconstitutional Brady Registration scheme.
>Please don’t hesitate. Inside sources are telling GOA that these
>committee swing votes are really feeling pressure from the
>anti-gunners — make sure your pro-gun voice is heard as well. The
>gun-grabbers are reportedly hitting Rep. Allen in particular very
>hard — apparently they think they can make her their vote.
>Contact her immediately — she needs to know that Colorado’s gun
>owners are active and involved, and don’t want HB 1242.
>Although all of the legislators listed above are Republicans, not
>all the Republicans are undecided: Committee Chairman Steve Tool of
>Fort Collins is openly supporting this gun control bill.
>Governor “Gun Control” Owens is lobbying hard for this bill, and has
>already used the weight of his office to ram it through the House
>Judiciary Committee, aided by House Speaker Russ George. Believe me
>– he will stop at nothing to get Colorado’s gun owning community to
>give up their rights.
>This is why your calls, right now, are so very important. If these
>loud mouth anti-gunners go unanswered, they might very well have the
>last word.
>Tell the legislators that forcing private sales at gun shows to go
>through Brady Registration checks is gun owner registration, pure
>and simple. What is next? Banning your dad from passing a treasured
>hunting rifle on to you? Arresting you for giving a daughter a
>means of protecting herself? Such a ridiculous bill needs to be
>stopped here and now. Please make the contacts.