Co. Says Stay Home mr President
From: [email protected]
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 11:27:41 EDT
This was sent to several Colorado and National news outlets this morning.
Attention Vampires and Ghouls… A Lesson on healing.
We see you coming for us once again to reopen our wounds and drink the blood of our sorrow so as to satisfy your political lust, one more time.
Be it known that healing occurs when you allow a wound, particularly a deep wound , to close and seal itself against the kinds of infection that causes it to weep and remain a gaping hole in our spirit. The politicalization of Columbine, for what ever reason, is just such an infection. It has it’s own reasons for being that have nothing to do with healing. Rather, this infection of self pity only feeds on our continued pain for it’s own needs and its own ends. This infection of our souls is being promoted by people who should know better, but have agendas to fulfill and political hay to make. They are assisted in this ghoulish process of feeding on the dead bodies of our children by the media in the name of “public service”. We do not need to be reminded of our pain and suffering so as to feed your political agendas. We need to be left alone to the healing passage of time.
With that said.
We the people of Colorado would ask the President to stay home next week.
Don’t come here to “feel our pain”. Stay home and pray for our healing. Do not come and re-open our wounds and drink our blood to satisfy your political lusts.
We would ask the Governor to exercise leadership, respect the dead and the survivors by not making them victims once again with more political infection. We would ask the mayor of Denver and all other politicians to do the same, respect the dead with your silence, instead of your personal agendas.
And finally, to the media. Please stop being the ever present “Igor”, always enabling your political masters to tear into our tender souls so as, to once again, ravage the wounds of the survivors. The transparency of your actions for the sake of feeding your blood lusts, cloaked in the mantel of alleged public service, is sickening. Stop it! You are performing a great disservice.
All of you and us should go home, sit down and shut up! Stop yammering and wailing. Stop and listen to the still, small voice within that will heal us all.
With all due respect,
A Coloradoan who has had enough,
Michael J. McNulty