COA alert

March 1st, 2012


As you know, Citizens Of America is the ONLY organization running

a NATIONAL pro-gun rights media campaign directed at ordinary Americans.

COA is just four months old but it’s off to a great start–our

hard-hitting radio ads have run in 41 states so far. BUT–we lack

critically needed funds to continue operations!

So if you are considering helping COA with a donation, please–do so

now. It?s easy?-we have a credit card acceptance system set up. Just

click the link at the bottom of the homepage:

For those who have already contributed–THANK YOU.

Now the NEWS:

–With the cooperation of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, COA

president Brian Puckett attended the 2000 SHOT show (Shooting, Hunting,

and Outdoor Trade Show) and spoke individually with hundreds of gun

industry exhibitors about COA?s pro-gun rights media campaign. COA hopes

to garner their support in the upcoming weeks.

–It’s a start: For the first time, COA ads are being heard via

TELEVISION, thanks to a cable TV owner in Pocatello, Idaho.

–Two generous Americans have paid to run a lengthy series COA ads on

Jeff Rense?s Talk Radio Network show SIGHTINGS, which is ranked in the

top 4 live internet radio programs. Jeff?s radio show is

syndicated nationally on the talk Radio Network (TRN) and worldwide on

the internet via RealAudio. SIGHTINGS is heard live coast-to-coast

Monday-Friday – 10-1am Eastern

Saturday 9pm – 3am Pacific

Sundays – 11-2am Eastern

–Now anyone can READ the text of our radio ads on our website. Click

the ?Read text of radio ads? button

–To get an idea of what gun owners are up against?and why COA was

created?check out this article

–You can now contribute to COA?s campaign by CREDIT CARD. See bottom of

homepage at

A final note: If you know anyone in the radio or print communications

businesses who might be interested in running our ads or getting the

message out about what COA is doing-?please let them know about us.

Yes, COA’s ad campaign is spreading as individual citizens and groups

sponsor our ads and more radio stations use our ads as Public Service

Announcements, but there are still millions of Americans who haven’t

heard the message. With your immediate HELP, we’ll continue our efforts

to wipe out 30 years of media and government hysteria, distortion, and

outright lies about guns, gun owners, and the Second Amendment. Thank


Brian Puckett

President, Citizens Of America

Fight for your gun rights NOW!
