COA update and news
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Citizens Of America is a non-profit organization that is
producing, distributing, and running NATIONAL PRO-
FIREARM ADVERTISEMENTS. We need your support to
continue! Our website:
A REMINDER: We send out these updates ONLY when we
have significant news related to COA. If you support what
we’re doing, we urge you to take a few minutes to read
through this update.
* * * NEW — COA is mentioned in the most recent issue of
GUNS & AMMO (June 2000). Our thanks to editors Payton
Miller and Garry James.
* * * NEW — A hard-hitting radio ad directed primarily toward
our Black brothers and sisters is now available. Title: “I’m No
Slave”. Listen to it at:
* * * NEW — COA IN THE NEWS: COA President Brian
Puckett quoted in yet another excellent Jon Dougherty article
on restoring constitutional law in the U.S. as regards firearms.
Go to:
* * * NEW — The number of stations on which COA ads have
run has climbed to over 260 in 42 states. This is after just 7
MONTHS, starting from scratch and operating on an extremely
low budget. How have we done it? YOUR SUPPORT! We still
have MILLIONS of people to reach, so please CONTINUE
your support if you can possibly do so — this is an ongoing
process. Why support this campaign? Read the next item.
* * * NEW — Read our new page called “What Good Are COA
Ads?” by either clicking on the homepage button with that
name, or clicking here:
* * * NEW — We have COA flyers available on request via
the internet that you can hand out to friends, place in gun
stores and gun ranges, etc. Just send us an email with SEND
INFORMATION FLYERS in the subject line and we’ll email
them back as attachments.
* * * NEW — As you probably know we have a new COA ad
videotape program in which we send –to any pro-gun rights
activist who requests it?a 30-minute VHS videotape with our
radio ads on the audio track. This serves as a “vehicle” to get
the radio ads played on community access television (CATV).
So far the response has been pretty good — over 50 tapes
sent out in a little over a month. While running ads on CATV
will not have the impact that regular radio broadcast ads have,
it nonetheless provides FREE airtime for our ads that
potentially reaches TENS OF THOUSANDS of people each
time the program is played on a CATV channel. Take an hour
out of your life and have the tape played as many times as
possible on YOUR local CATV station. It’s EASY. Go to:
* * * NEW — COA at the forefront of condemning NRA
leadership’s “Project Exile.” We sent out a separate update on
this, but it’s a VERY important subject. These links, in this
order, tell the whole story. Be sure to read the DIRECT
QUOTES from NRA management on “Project Exile”. (If any of
the URL’s below are “broken” simply paste them back into one
long string, then copy and paste into your browser’s web
address box.)
The original exclusive David Bresnahan article on the Anti-
Project Exile coalition is at:
The Anti-Project Exile statement itself is at:
Read Brian Puckett’s statement about current NRA leadership
DIRECT QUOTES on “Project Exile” from NRA Management.
Sign the Anti-Project Exile statement yourself at:
A related article by Geoff Metcalf’s is at:
As a supplement to this effort, and to see “Project Exile”
distilled into its core potential, please go to:
Items you SHOULD READ or may have MISSED
****COA URGES you to subscribe to KeepAndBearArms. The
KABA GUN REPORT is the best regular update on what’s
happening in the firearms and firearms rights world that we’ve
come across — and it’s not dry political or legal stuff. Quick,
simple, easy-to-scan format. Best of all, KABA is a strong
supporter of COA. To subscribe, go to:
*** If you get multiple copies of our updates DIRECTLY from
us (NOT forwards of our update from someone else) please
contact COA and we will correct the problem
*** Send a memorable PHYSICAL message to Smith and
Wesson’s British owners for selling us out to the anti-firearm,
anti-self defense mob. Go to this site and see what we mean:
*** We urge you to make sure you aren’t infected with the
KAK computer virus. First search it out using your most
recently updated computer virus program. To avoid re-
infection, Windows users go to:
What To Do If The Police Come To Confiscate Your Militia
Weapons see
For legislative updates contact and go to
“Scripts from the Firearms Coalition Legislative Update Line”
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