Columbia feels heat from gun groups over Bancroft Prize

March 1st, 2012

The Washington Times


Columbia feels heat from gun groups over Bancroft Prize
Robert Stacy McCain

Published 10/30/2002


Gun-rights groups are calling for Columbia University to rescind the
Bancroft Prize it gave last year to a historian after an investigation
found he “willingly misrepresented the evidence” in his award-winning work.
Michael Bellesiles last week announced his resignation from Emory
University in Atlanta after an academic panel said his book, “Arming
America: The Origins of a National Gun Culture,” showed “evidence of
falsification,” “egregious misrepresentation” and “exaggeration of data.”
“Along with the prize, [Mr.] Bellesiles should be required to return
the $4,000 cash award that came with it,” said Alan Gottlieb of the Second
Amendment Foundation (SAF), based in Bellevue, Wash.
Calling the Bellesiles book “a monumental fraud,” Mr. Gottlieb said
failure to revoke the award would “tarnish Columbia and the Bancroft
One scholar who investigated “Arming America” said Columbia officials
have followed the debate surrounding Mr. Bellesiles’ book closely. The
university confirmed yesterday it might reconsider the award.
“The university is looking into this issue,” said Columbia University
spokeswoman Lauren Marshall.
Published in October 2000, the Bellesiles book was awarded the
Bancroft Prize, considered the most prestigious award for history writing,
in April 2001. Yet the book’s reputation was diminished as scholars began
exposing problems in Mr. Bellesiles’ research methods.
“Arming America” claimed gun ownership was rare and militias were
ineffective in early America. The book was praised by gun-control
advocates, who said it debunked historical arguments for an individual’s
right to possess firearms.
“It is remarkable how silent those same people are, now that the
book’s serious flaws have been revealed,” said Dave LaCourse, public
affairs director for the SAF. He said that “Bellesiles’ bogus research” was
used last year in legal briefs against rights to private gun ownership in
the Texas case of U.S. v. Emerson.
“This book was trying to claim that the Second Amendment couldn’t have
been about people owning guns as individuals,” Mr. Gottlieb said.
Jews for the Protection of Firearms Ownership also called for Columbia
to rescind its award to Mr. Bellesiles.
“I would think if Columbia University itself doesn’t revoke the award,
then they are raising a big red flag that they support fraud and
intellectual dishonesty,” said Aaron Zelman, executive director of JPFO.
“What kind of a message does this send if they don’t revoke the award?”
However, the nation’s largest organization of gun owners has not
joined the demand that Columbia rescind its Bancroft award to Mr.
“We think certainly the work has been judged by a jury of professor
Bellesiles’ peers,” said Bill Parkerson, spokesman for the 4-million-member
National Rifle Association. “We would expect the Bancroft people to read
that report, but any decision they make is up to them.”
Mr. Parkerson said he expected Columbia University to act
independently of outside pressure.
Emory University announced Mr. Bellesiles’ resignation Friday, eight
months after the university began an investigation of the accusations of
research misconduct against him. A committee of three scholars – from
Princeton, Harvard and the University of Chicago – was appointed to
The inquiry focused on Mr. Bellesiles’ use of probate records –
colonial court records of wills that he claimed showed low levels of gun
ownership in early America.
“Every aspect of his work in the probate records is deeply flawed,”
the committee concluded in its report, which Emory made public Friday.
The committee found Mr. Bellesiles, a tenured professor with 14 years
at Emory, was “guilty of unprofessional and misleading work.”