Column: It’s a Simple Question of Logic
Column: It’s a Simple Question of Logic
Date: Jan 2, 2007 8:52 AM
It’s a Simple Question of Logic
by David Roberts – January 01, 2007 01:52 PM EST
Logically, there is no reason to put law abiding citizens through all
the red tape to satisfy the anti-gun lobbys. A law abiding citizen is
not going to use a gun to kill, rob, or threaten anyone that is not
attempting to kill, rob or threaten them. A criminal however, has
already crossed the mental bridge separating right from wrong in his
intent. It is no stretch to say that the same criminal would seek to get
his weapon illegally. So the only persons affected by a gun control law
are those who would already obey the law to begin with, and therefore
should not need to abide by a law intended to deter criminals! Think
about that, a law intended to deter criminals. Is there anything more
contradictory? i.e. “That’ll teach em, if they won’t obey the laws,
we’ll make more of them!” Let’s look at a few case studies, shall we?
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !