Comments from Pro Gun Police!

March 1st, 2012
posted 08-07-2000 19:12
Am I the only cop that is pro-gun? Is my department the only one that hires guys who are pro-gun? I’m trying to find out how many cops are pro-gun and how many are anti-gun.

CA Cadet
unregistered posted 08-08-2000 11:09
Not quite sure what you mean by “pro-gun”. Do I believe in an officers right to protect his life? Yes. Can a firearm be an effective tool to save lives, ensure safety, or prevent a situation form escalating? Yes. Should leathal force be a last resort? Of course. I don’t view a firearm as an instrument of death, but rather as an instrument of life. That some day when I need it (although I hope I never encounter such a situation), it will save my life. So am I pro-gun? I guess so. I just believe that an officers number one job is to serve our employers, the public, and to ensure everyone’s right to life. It scares me to think of officers that might be “trigger-happy” or have a “Gestapo” mentality.

Member posted 08-08-2000 13:30
Let me clarify. I don’t mean anti-gun or pro-gun for use on duty. I mean pro or anti in terms of general ownership by the general public.

CA Cadet
unregistered posted 08-08-2000 14:36
Well then, I apologize for my previous idealistic rantings. I guess I would consider myself somewhat of a constitutional fundamentalist. Therefore I am finding that a lot of the anti-gun legislation to be quite absurd. The more we allow the government to limit our constitutional rights, the more we allow them to assert unnecessary control in our everyday lives. Ultimately it’s the law abiding citizens that suffer, cause now the criminals have the guns. I believe in Florida they allow their citizens to carry without a special CCW, and supposedly the crime rate for certain crimes has fallen. To me, guns don’t kill, people do. So I don’t see them as being the source of crime. Crime will occur regardless of anti-gun laws. As far as safety issues, that responsibilty should rest on the parents. So I guess you’re not the only one that’s pro-gun.

Member posted 08-09-2000 20:08
With many people these days coming from homes that may not use weapons as a training tool for hunting skills or for organized shooting sports, may never have been exposed to them very much. Some people believe everything they read also that comes from the media, anti-gun movements and their supporters – cops included! Some officers that I have spoken with have expressed their concern that the job would be alot easier if they (the government) would outlaw all weapons. They must live in a dream world where everything will be peachey if nobody has a gun. If that’s the case, then we will not need them to do our job but, we all know that is a false statement.

Member posted 08-15-2000 20:50
I am very pro-gun. I believe that if the government decides to outlaw guns that our jobs will become more dangerous than it is. If all law abiding citizens turn in their guns then that means that everyone that pulls a gun on us is breaking the law in some fashion. If the government would prosecute more gun violaters and prosecute those who can not own guns it would put a major dent in the gun situation. Violent offences will grow to a new high and if the government has their way even police officers will have to check weapons out at the station. How is safe is safe. Control the people not the guns.

Member posted 08-19-2000 03:28
I consider myself to be pro-gun too. It scares me to think what would happen if our government actually did outlaw ownership of all guns by private citizens. But here’s something even more scary; what if the Feds made local law enforcement be the ones to go around confescating the citizens firearms…
I couldn’t do it. Talk about hazardous duty!
The thing that makes me so mad is the law suites against the gun manufacturers. What kind or reasoning is that? How can a gun maker be held responsible for how the gun is used!? Give me a break! Are they gonna go after the automobile manufaturers next? It seems like the same reasoning to me. Sue the car maker because the driver drove it too fast or wrecklessly… I just can’t make since of it!

And appealing to mothers saying guns are killing off the children of America. That gets under my skin too. It goes back to “Guns don’t kill people. People kill people.” I believe todays TV, movies, music, and video games are more responsible for the killing of America’s children than the ownership of guns. People try so hard to find someone or something to lay the blame on when, most of the time, it’s those very people who are to blame.

Course thats just my opinion…

I don’t go for every single thing that the NRA does or says but I’m a member just the same for the main reason that they are at the forefront of the battle to keep what I believe to be a Constitutional Right! I would like to encourage all of y’all to join if you’re not already a member. And no, this wasn’t a paid advertisement. I’m just speaking from my heart.

Keep up the faith and fight the good fight.

Member posted 08-19-2000 06:52
Guns in the hands of responsible citizens make are job easier. No question. As a rural officer, my “travel time” may be up to an hour. Yes, even on a hot call. Citizens with guns prevent some crimes from escalating or prevents the crime from continuing. Every month I get a call of an attempted burglary or home invasion quashed by a home owner meeting the bad guy at the door. By the way, I’ve only had one home owner shoot at the bad guy after the bad advanced on the home owner. He stopped. Ran off to comtemplate his wicked ways I’m sure. P.s. Pro Gun.
Stay Safe