Congratulations, MSNBC, you have now set a new journalistic LOW,
Congratulations, MSNBC, you have now set a new journalistic LOW,
showing that you really have the art of propaganda down pat.
At a recent Arizona town hall meeting with President Obama, there was
one person carrying a rifle. It was a black gun-owner with an AR-15
on his shoulder standing with other gun owners outside the town hall
The media almost melted down, as is their tendency when it comes to
lawfully carried guns.
In their story, MSNBC shows only carefully cropped video of that black
gun-owner so that you could not tell his skin color, but only see his
gun. They then switch to video of a white gun-owner being interviewed
by a reporter. While there is plenty of video to be found of the
black gun owner talking to reporters elsewhere, MSNBC does not use any
of it.
Why did MSNBC crop that video?
Because the topic was about how gun-carrying protesters at the town
hall meetings are RACISTS!!!
You see, the rifle was eye-catching, but having a black man carrying
it simply wouldn’t do for MSNBC’s purposes, so they fixed that little
Anyway, I literally jumped out of my chair when I saw this video. I
don’t suggest watching it while eating or drinking: