Congressional Candidate Raising Money with Gun Raffle

March 1st, 2012

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Congressional candidate raising money with gun raffle

The Associated Press
12/09/99 4:08 AM Eastern

MOUNT CARROLL, Ill. (AP) — A Republican candidate for Congress in
northwestern Illinois is raising campaign money by raffling off guns.

Dr. Michael Curtiss ( [email protected] ) said Wednesday that he
has sold about 1,500 of the $5 raffle tickets. He expects to double that
number by the time the guns are given away in the third week of January.

Being raffled are an SLR-95 semiautomatic rifle and .45-caliber handgun.
Curtiss said the raffle also includes lessons on how to fire the weapons and
a book about guns and crime.

Curtiss said he’s conducting the raffle to raise money and make a point.

“Someone has to draw a line, and the raffle is an illustration that it’s not
the gun that kills; it’s the idiot behind it that does,” said Curtiss, of
Mount Carroll.

Curtiss faces Hal Bayne of Taylor Ridge and Mark Baker of Quincy in the race
for the GOP nomination in the 17th District. U.S. Rep. Lane Evans, a
Democrat from Rock Island, is seeking re-election.

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Copyright 1999 Associated Press.

Here’s the website for more info on the raffle: