Cop Killers, uh huh, right.
I reeeeeelly hate it when I hear people say “It does this or that, I saw it in a movie!” As if the hollywood bigshots who gave us a robot from the future and live dinosaurs can’t make just about anything seem real.
Two facts that are bugging me to mention for the sake of the few anit gun people who will bother to read this and learn something from it:
First lie is that those old dueling pistols and muskets have the same power as machine guns essentially. I was watching a movie called Rob Roy with some friends and at one point the men were target shooting with the same sort of pistol and musket routine I have here. They were hitting pumpkins and blowing them to bits at rediculous ranges. Those who were watching were amazed at the power and range of these guns and imagined of course what they could do to a human being.
The problem is that these guns which they call pumpkin slingers cannot hit accurately at ranges higher than a few feet for various reasons I won’t bother with here. Second, they cannot blast a pumpkin into hyperspace, period. Mine will crack the pumpkin and whack a nice hole. To a human they would smash into and knock over, and kill, as a rule. I mention this because some people think these historical weapons aught to be included in the ban department because they can stop a Bradly Fighting Vehicle. Not!
Second lie: We all remember Mel Gibson in Lethal weapon shooting at the plow with a regular gun, then he is given one with “cop killers” in it and shoots holes.
I have never fired these bullets, true, but I have read the words of a thirty year police veteran. I always wondered how teflon coating could put a bullet through armor. It can’t. Teflon coating, he stated, is for making bullets put less wear on the insides of the gun barrel. His point was that there are no such thing as what is referred to as Cop Killers, at least that kind.
This gentleman stated that armor stops pistol bullets beause they are of lower volocity, while rifle bullets will go through armor.
I mention these points due to the fact that the media quickly misleads the unknowing into believing lies (NO!)about firearms. Ah yes, let us not forget Bruce Willis (sorry Bruce, nothing personal) with the Glock in Diehard something, which was made of plastic and goes through metal detectors. A plastic gun would explode, and the materials I’ve read state that there is no such thing as an all plastic gun. I know I’d be afraid to shoot one.
If my facts are in any way incorrect, please feel free to correct me. I’m still on the winning side of the issue.