Could having an NRA patch on your jacket get you tossed from school?

March 1st, 2012

For an interesting piece from ABC, go to:

In these post-Columbine times it seems the bureaucrats who pretend to educate our young people are all in a tizzy that some kids just don’t fit in.

“Threat assessment” programs are the newest craze, which supposedly will allow administrators to identify “problem kids” before they get out of hand.

According to ABC’s report “one of the warning signs in the LAPD program is ‘inappropriate clothing.’ Boles said racist slogans on T-shirts are an example, but what?s ‘inappropriate’ is decided by school administrators, lawyers, mental health professionals and police.

So what if a kid wears an NRA T-shirt? Or has a copy of the American Rifleman (with a gun on the cover)?