Criminals do NOT obey laws !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gun control ONLY affects the law abiding citizen turning them into UNARMED VICTIMS……………………
London Daily Telegraph: Number of robberies at gunpoint soars
Date: Jan 26, 2007 11:13 AM
PUBLICATION: The Daily Telegraph
DATE: 2007.01.26
PAGE: 008
BYLINE: Philip Johnston
Number of robberies at gunpoint soars
THE number of street robberies carried out at gunpoint has soared over
the past year and burglars are also more likely to be armed, according
to official figures.
There was a 10 per cent rise in muggings at gunpoint in the 12 months to
September and a record number of residential robberies involving a
The figures wrecked attempts by senior ministers to portray the latest
crime figures in a positive light.
They suffered fresh embarrassment when it emerged that a Home Office
civil servant on his way home had been mugged by robbers with a fake
It was reported that the 29-year-old official had earlier been out for a
meal with John Reid, the Home Secretary, though this was denied.
The Home Office said that, overall, crime was ”stable” and had
fallen when measured by quarterly police figures.
Tony Blair sent his congratulations to the police and claimed that
violence and gun crime was down by 14 per cent. But a separate document
published by the Home Office into the use of firearms in crime showed
there were 11,084 recorded crimes involving firearms in 2005-06 – a 62
per cent increase in just five years. Most worryingly, muggers and
burglars are more likely to go armed than ever before.
Although the numbers are small and mainly confined to the inner cities
of London, Manchester and Birmingham, the proportions have risen
The most alarming increase is in ”residential” armed robbery,
people are attacked at gunpoint in their own homes. There was a record
645 such incidents last year – four times the number recorded at the
start of the decade.
Nearly 1,500 muggings took place at gunpoint, a 10 per cent rise in a
The overall number of gun robberies – including those that took place
outdoors or targeted shops, garages, post offices, banks or homes – was
4,120 compared with 3,674 in the previous 12 months.
The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !