Dan, THIS one is for YOU, BUD :) – My, but you HAVE led a sheltered life!

March 1st, 2012

Dan, the clueless, asks what armed citizens are saved from…………..
Here ya are Dan, how about actually READING these TRUE stories about how armed citizens SAVE lives and Gun control kills.,.. TRUE STORIES! Just becaus e they don’t make the front page of every news paper like crimes involving firearms, doesn’t mean they don’t happen


Her’s some more education for you Dan, if you REALLY interested in learning (by the way IF you’d bothered reading the rest of the forum here, you wouldn’t have to ask…….

Why more senior citizens are carrying guns
They’re protecting themselves from what they see as a rise in violence, even if crime statistics say otherwise.
By Tim Vanderpool | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
from the January 06, 2004 edition