Dear Americans!
I didn’t write this, but I wish I had!
Dear Americans,
When I opened my e-mail this morning I had about twenty forwards of the
article written by Gordon Sinclair, the Canadian who so eloquently praised
the United States. What most of you do not realize is that this commentary
was written many years ago. Those of us in the Military Service have known
about it for a long time. Now, Americans are flooding the net with it as if
it were new. It is not. When it was written most Americans didn’t read it,
because most Americans did not care.
The tragedy that befell all of us on September 11th shocked America.
America no longer feels safe. Many of you have said, “The government should
have known! 30 Billion Dollars is spent on Intelligence! What about the
Just a reminder America: You voted our government into office. For
years you allowed some politicians and twisted media to shape your ideas
about the defense of our nation. On September 11th, America had the exact
level of protection, both militarily and intelligence, that it was willing
to pay for. Did any one ever watch C SPAN? Particularly when the Heads
of our Armed Services essentially begged YOUR representatives to give the
Military more money to fight terrorism and maintain a strong defense?
Did you see the debates by the Heads of the Intelligence Services that
terrorism was the new threat and they did not have the money to build the
necessary intelligence networks in the areas where terrorists were being
harbored? America must have been watching one of the other 114 satellite
The Military said: “We need more money to maintain military readiness
and Combat Training.” America Answered : “What the Military needs is
Sensitivity Training! You’re all sexist homophobes! I saw it on the
evening news!”
The Military said: “We need money to build ships, planes, tanks, and
improve our technology. America still has credible threats throughout
the world.” America Answered: “You’re all part of a vast right-wing
conspiracy. There is no more Soviet Threat! My Senator told me so! He/She says we do
not need such a big military!”
The Military said: “We need to recruit more Americans into the military.
We need to increase our force.” America Answered: “You’re not taking my
kids! We’re going to shut down the ROTC programs at our high schools and
universities, because you discriminate against alternative\ lifestyles and
The Military said: “We can’t keep interfering in the civil wars of
small insignificant countries. It wastes our time, our resources,
decreases training, and demoralizes our troops. We are warriors trying to defend
our nation, not the third world’s police.” America Answered: “You heartless
bastards! Can’t you see the tear in the eye of that starving child with
the flies on his face? Get Moving! This is what you’re paid to do!”
The Military Asked: “Why isn’t America enraged over the terrorist
attack on the USS Cole that killed seventeen AMERICAN Sailors?” America
Answered: “We don’t have time right now! You war mongers killed the poor
innocent security guard in Puerto Rico and we’re already late for the
protest march!”
So, America, while you sit around your office coffee pots and ask,
“Why did those terrorists kill innocent civilians? Why didn’t they go after the
Military?” Remember this: They already did and America didn’t care.
They realized that they needed to kill civilians, and lots of them, before they
could have their desired reaction. Well, now they have it.
Please do not think this letter is meant to be insulting. Many of my
comrades in Arms have lost loved ones in New York and Washington. The
plane that crashed in Somerset County, PA was not even thirty miles from my
daughter’s public school in Johnstown. We’re just as angry, we’re just as
determined, and we’re ready to lay down our lives for the safety of our
great country, the freedoms all of us enjoy. America, we are still here
for you. We always have been.
What many of us ask is simple, print this letter and save it. When
this war is over, take this letter out before every election and read it,
remember the way you felt on September 11th, 2001. Whether you are a
Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent; remember Freedom is not
Free. You DO have a responsibility as an American to take part in your
country’s defense. It’s as simple as casting an educated vote.
If you wish to forward this, please do. But I respectfully ask that
you DO NOT edit it. DO NOT change the date or try to take away the true
Thank you.
God Bless This Nation
(Aurthor Unknown)…….. as far as I know