Did you hear…?

March 1st, 2012

Did you hear about the guy that tried to set off a bomb on a flight from Europe to Miami? The stewardess noticed him lighting a fuse in his tennis shoes. Turns out his shoes were full of plastic explosive. Anyway she tried to subdue him. The scumbag bite her and swatted her away like a fly since he was like 6’5″, 240 pounds…but luckily another passenger joined in and he was a European pro basketball player and stood about 6’8″! He jumped forward to fight this guy and was more than a match…

Ever fight a big guy like that would-be bomber? It hurts….What if that basketball player hadn’t been there? What if it had been me intead? I’m 5’9″ 155 pounds and 44 years old. I’ve quit smoking and I lift weights…but I’m still 5’9″ 155 pounds and 44 years old! A guy that size would slap me around that aircraft like a volley-ball…but a gun would be too dangerous, huh? I guess it’s better to let this guy touch off his new Semtex Nike B-ball shoes and send a passenger plane into the ocean!