Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws

March 1st, 2012

For Immediate Release
Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws
National DeskDr. William B. Rogers, Director of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws, announced today the opening of the group’s web site at:

The mission of Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws(DSGL) is to provide a healthy dose of common sense and honesty to the national debate over
gun laws and the role of guns in society.
DSGL is especially concerned with the way that
medical organizations have allowed their names and professional publications to be used to
promote the agenda of the anti-gun/anti-self-defense lobby.

Dr. Rogers states: “The anti-gun ‘studies’
that have been published under the false flag
of medical research are conceived, executed, analyzed and broadcast in the media strictly
to support the position of organizations,
doctors and politicians who do not believe that citizens have the most basic human right
of all, the right to self defense.”

“Such concepts as intellectual honesty, peer
review and valid statistical analysis are
conspicuously absent from this so-called
research. And these junk science ‘studies’
are costing innocent people their very lives.”

Many doctors and other medical professionals are fed up with this situation, but have
found their views frozen out of the debate by vested interests in the medical leadership.

DSGL Board Member Dr. Michael S. Brown, of
Vancouver, Washington says: “Using
professional journals to disseminate
political propaganda shames doctors

Dr. Andrew Johnstone of Indianapolis
proclaims: “I am continually shocked at the dangerous public policy positions of the organized medical lobby. The distortion and
outright fabrication of ?facts? is well
documented and refuted in the criminologic literature, and the thought that physicians
would actually lobby for such counterproductive and dangerous legislation is worrisome indeed.”

DSGL provides a voice for those doctors who
feel the need to speak out for honesty and
integrity. The motto of the new organization,
“First, do no harm”, is taken from the
Hippocratic Oath, and refers to the harm done
by misguided gun laws.

Members of the press are invited to contact
Dr. William Rogers by email at:
[email protected] or by phone at:
DSGL is available at any time to comment on
any gun related story, and a great deal of
useful information is available on the web
site for anyone researching the gun policy
debate as it relates to the medical community
and their ‘studies’.

Medical doctors, PhD’s, and other health care
professionals are invited to visit the web
site for membership information.