March 1st, 2012


Posted By: StewartBeattie
Date: Monday, 14 October 2002, 2:41 a.m.

The DR. Behind Port Arthur Gun Control Now In Maryland .

by Stewart Beattie – author of A Gunsmith’s Notebook on Port Arthur, 2002

? S. Beattie Oct. 2002

Recent news reports from out of America’s East Coast of a “sniper”
unarmed people in Maryland and Virginia caused me to take a second look
part of an article I’d written earlier in 2000, about a “star” of the gun

control network, Doctor Rebecca Peters, who coincidentally went to
Baltimore as soon as her task “down under” was done.

In Australia the “gun control” compact deployed as a network of NGOs, but

also they were strategically grafted into our Administration in the
Attorney General and Justice Departments. Duncan Kerr (Labour) was the
Minister responsible for the Department of Justice who over saw the
appointment of one Daryl Smeaton, charged with the drafting of new gun
laws, for the States and Territories to enact – as early as November

The National Coalition for Gun Control (NCGC) was based in Sydney, but
an important branch in Hobart, Tasmania, headed up there by lawyer Roland

Browne, while in Melbourne a “sister” organisation, the Coalition for Gun

Control (CGC) was run by John Bruce Crook. Prior to 1996, Crook was
involved in a defamation action in Melbourne, and in that trial it was
reported that none other than Daryl Smeaton presented the Court with a
supportive character reference for Crook. 1

But it was in Sydney where Rebecca Peters rose to prominence, arriving in

1981, ‘with a man she met travelling,’ and apparently lived in Cairo
to her arrival. While Peters says “she decided” to settle Down Under and
become an “Australian citizen,” I’m caused to remember those famous
‘In politics nothing happens by chance. If it happens, it was meant to
happen that way’. Apparently Rebecca was from a young age, bent on saving

the world.

Born in 1962, Peters grew up as a teenager in Costa Rica, the second of
children in an American family. As her father worked for the American
Government there, ‘half jokingly,’ she suggested in an interview in
Australia he “probably worked for the CIA.” At age 15 years while
an “alternative school” in Costa Rica, Peters was educated by itinerant
“young hippies”. It was during this new-age education she became
with changing the world.”

In Sydney, Peters enrolled in a university in the faculty of Engineering
(possibly Macquarie), being just one of only two females in the course,
in 1983 she dropped out. For a time Rebecca took a job as a researcher
reporter with ABC Radio (known locally as the “Gay-BC”), worked with
Olle, but soon found the nature of journalism, ‘too disposable’.

In 1991 with a not-so-subtle agenda, Peters returned to university,
enrolled as a law student gaining her law degree, at the end of which,
produced a thesis on ‘tighter gun control’. This was the “centrepiece” of

an enormous folio of material she collected and wrote for her campaign to

remove loop-holes in existing gun laws in Australia. She promoted herself

as a ‘multilingual middle-class lawyer’ who was fanatical about “gun
control”. 2

By `91 Peters was running the NCGC, rising fast to the position of
almost as quickly as the death rate climbed with each incident of that
phenomenon to Australasia, the gun massacre. Undoubtedly her success in
this new global calling was to the delight of her best friend the
activist Eva Cox and Peters’ mentor Charles Watson, Professor of Public
Health at Wollongong University, who admired her for her ‘intellectual

In a remarkably short time she quite brilliantly bull-dozed aside the
entire weak, (some treacherous), and fragmented firearm owner, sporting
shooters’ groups, and almost surely was surprised by her success with the

shooting massacres producing a ‘win-win sound-bite’ for the minds and
support of the gullible Mums and Dads of Australia. Dunblane massacre
occurred on 13 March `96 and Port Arthur followed 46 days later. Then all

the pieces fell into place for Federal Attorney General, Daryl Williams,
implement the gun-ban laws prepared and ready in November of 1995 by
Smeaton. Job done, it was off to the “Big Apple” for Peters.

But a point to remember, while Rebecca Peters was “down-under”, 6
massacres occurred in Australia and New Zealand resulting in 76 deaths
53 wounded people. In “gun control” here, Peters was no doubt – numro
Curiously though since Peters left, the shooting massacres have ceased!
None in the last six years. And private firearms still abound.

In New York, Rebecca Peters hit the pavement ‘running’ and is immediately

associated with Desmond Riley of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence -
of the NAACP crowd involved in ‘crafting a gun control strategy’ for
“curing gun ownership” – their words.

Shortly it was announced that Peters was awarded (if you believe their
news releases, or if logic is your guide, rewarded may be the more
appropriate word), with a Senior Fellowship in March 1997 by the Soros
Foundation’s Open Institute funded Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy
Research in Merryland. So the good citizens their should perhaps keep her

Australasian achievements in mind.

In making application for her fellowship, Rebecca had to ‘submit a
for her envisioned work . forgive me from chuckling. Can you imagine her
difficult task here? Think of a big digit add lots of zeros and voila . a


You may wish to drop a line to the Doctor so here is her working address:

The Center on Crime, Community and Culture, 400 West 59th Street, New
NY10019. Or perhaps you may wish to forward a congratulatory e-mail to <

[email protected]
>. Rebecca’s doctorate included a stipend
of US$32,500 p.a., plus various expenses covered in her ‘budgeted’
expenses, the lot bankrolled by the tax-exempt Soros Foundation.

Her citizenry disarmament program is far flung, and includes Australia,
Zealand, the sub-continent, South America, Great Britain and Europe:
a true-blue “globalist”. First on the list after jetting out of Australia

though, was her close involvement in organisation of the ‘Million Mom
March’ and in reports of this event, her trademark outlandish
unsubstantiated claims regarding crimes, firearms and related deaths
appeared on cue. Easily destroyed later by reputable writers, but once
lie is said, truth inevitably is the casualty. Before leaving Australia
though, her name was noted alongside that of her NCGC Hobart colleague
chair of NCGC), Roland Browne on a University Paper entitled, Australia’s

New Gun Control Philosophy: Public Health is Paramount. 3

But I find it remarkable, that even although in Australia she’d been
granted citizenship, Peters’ American roots were emphasised. Now in
America, Dr Peters is always reported as being ‘an Australian gun control

expert’ . a weird twist don’t you think.

In America, the Million Mom March staged on Monday 15 May 1996, on the
in Washington, was in Australia lauded ‘a raging success’. But even with
wall-to-wall major media publicity, numbers were in fact a long way short

of the hoped-for million. Hillary and Bill Clinton were of course on tap
for the regulation photo-shoot, not surprising really. As it was reported

that the rally was ‘conceived by Donna Dees-Thomases’, supposedly just a
concerned ‘New Jersey housewife’. However it was reported that in fact
Dees-Thomases was a ‘high-powered CBS publicist who at one point worked
CBS anchor Dan Rather’. Even of more interest in this same report was the

claim that the lady ‘is the sister-in-law of Susan Thomases’, who was
lawyer, political advisor and confidant of Hillary Clinton, the then
Lady. 4

For Rebecca Peters, her 1996 schedule was quite hectic. It was crunch
and on 13 March at Dunblane primary school in Scotland, 43-year-old
Hamilton, shot dead 16, wounded 13 and then shot himself. Fifteen of the
sixteen dead, and ten of the thirteen wounded were all children.
Energetically publicised by their chums in the Media, Dunblane was in the

scheme of disarmament, the precursor to Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania,

Australia. At Port Arthur on 28 April 1996, 35 people died and 20 were
wounded in the first convoluted terrorist shooting massacre in this
In the massacre, the murder of Nanette Mikac and her two daughters was
by the CNN’s John Raedler in the EMA papers to be the classic ‘win-win’
sound bite. Raedler scurried down to Tasmania from Sydney to capture that

win-win’ sound bite. I’m caused then to wonder how would uncivilized
evaluate Dunblane?

However, in relation to both massacres it should be remembered it was
Rebecca Peters’ colleague, Roland Browne, now chair of NCGC, who
a shooting massacre in Tasmania in November of 1995, and quite remarkably

again made a repeated prediction on the “A Current Affair” TV show,
straight after Scotland’s Dunblane Massacre. But then anti-gun proponents

in Australia seem to have this remarkable psychic skill. For in
capitol city Hobart after a Special Premier’s Conference in relation to
Control held in December of 1987, NSW’s then Premier, Barry
Unsworth stated bluntly:
“There will never be uniform gun laws in Australia until we see a
in Tasmania.”

Port Arthur massacre was the catalyst for subsequent reciprocal visits
across the globe by some of those closely involved with victims of both
shooting murders. But with Peters in America, in the, Washington Mall,
9 weeks after Dunblane massacre, three mothers; Kareen Turner, Alison
Crozier and Karen Scott, who each lost a daughter in the Dunblane
featured in the Million Mom March. Now while we all probably sympathise
with their personal loss of young innocent children, in Washington they
marched along smiling and waving. I wonder who paid for their return
to America and similarly other flights to Australia, and conversely the
Port Arthur survivors to Dunblane? Dr Peters also flew to Dunblane in
August of 1996 . ‘to deliver messages from Port Arthur survivors’ it was
reported at the time.

The network of Peters’ and her NGO’s the global Gun Control Network, are
well funded and conveniently placed, as the synonym suggest – outside of
governmental restraints. I would be astonished if it was proven her
Australian network had not received a generous helping of Institute
hand-outs to disarm our good people in 1991- 1996. To example the extent
these amassed fortunes, one such “funder”, the Joyce Foundation, was
reported as granting between 1993 and 1997, some $13.2 m, for
among 55 ‘gun control’ organisations. John Hopkins is bank-rolled to
sustain disarmament battle by such “funders” as the California Wellness
Foundation (CWF), Gerorge Soros’ Open Society Institute and the Public
Welfare Foundation, just three of the well-endowed tax-exempt funders
supporting the global gun-grabbers. George Soros’ Open Society Institute
funds gun control networks on a national scale across America, but indeed

globally, in 33 countries. One should be surprised if Australia didn’t
figure high on this list. Open Society also gave the Violence Policy
$1.2 million in 1997 to expand its anti-gun efforts. 5

Like Joyce, CWF treats gun violence as a public health problem that
requires government regulation just as Peters did in Australia. Sadly
good citizen Peters disarms effectively produces one more potential
of criminal misdeeds, a point obviously not overlooked by her. As it was
observed by the then leader of the Australian Democrats, Cheryl Kernot,
that Peters always went out of her way to keep a discreet distance from
victims of gun crime, as she was ‘sensitive to the emotional
6 I wonder if disarmed potential victims ever crossed her mind while
accepting her Human Rights award from Dame Roma Mitchell? As I mentioned
Peters went to John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and first
their Violence Policy Center. Interestingly, my investigations show
Rebecca’s doctorate is somewhat tainted, as if such principals would
to Dr Rebecca.

Back in August of 1987, John Hopkins University was heavily involved in
promoting food irradiation, even although the process was banned by the
West German Government in 1958, and the American FDA in 1968. But not to
deterred John Hopkins organised a forum to promote publicly a ‘balanced
view’ with 20 guest speakers. However the seminar had to abandoned, when
speaker number 20 exposed the other 19 speakers not only heavily biased
promote this disposal system for nuclear waste as “safe” with all of them

involved heavily in the nuclear industry.

It should come as no surprise to learn that John Hopkins in 1986,
funding of a reported $317m American “defence dollars”! What level of
and Military” funding does John Hopkins receive today that in any way
assists the works of Dr Peters and her ‘arms-grabbing’ cadre? 7

Now returning to the scene in New South Wales for a moment. Before
Peters flew out to her allotted ‘battle ground’ in America, she had one
important task to complete here. The Parliaments of Australia are
legislatures with limited powers. They are not supreme. The right to keep

and bear arms and use them is a right beyond the powers of Parliament.
hundred years ago people didn’t trust government, and it would appear
nothing has changed. So armed Government willing to use force -
by Doctor Peters and her network – are in truth, hell-bent on closing
“loop-hole” in gun laws which are basic individual freedoms that with
“clubs” they are intent on closing! This single fact assured that there
would inevitably be a legal challenge mounted by some section of our
citizenry that would surely win in the courts.

So in New South Wales, as the Government proclaimed “gun buy-back,” began

to effect the citizens a previously formed Concerned Citizens Association

in the Hunter Valley, sought legal opinion as to how best to mount a case

against government to have this iniquitous “law” quashed.

The global “gun control” network had no intention of suffering such a set

back. Its network tentacles obviously penetrated the very fabric of
at many different levels. Peters and company certainly had a very
“grape vine” network.

The legal advice was no sooner prepared and delivered to the client
Association, than word was received by the Association’s executive that
Peters – remember in her own estimation a “middle class” lawyer, a very
junior solicitor – had already been given an audience before the
NSW Bar Association, a quite extraordinary accomplishment in itself.

I have learned that it was directly as a result of Rebecca Peters
addressing that eminent group of staid gentlemen which caused them to
immediately pass a motion which effectively bound them, that should a
challenge be launched against the 1996 gun law changes in Australia, the
Bar Association would mount a strong campaign to defeat such a legal
challenge and apparently “free legal services” were promised to aid in
defeating any such challenge, which is perhaps why in the courts of
Australia, survivors of the Port Arthur massacre seeking redress have a
devil’s own job in getting their case to Court.

When Port Arthur and its “fruit” are considered alongside what has
especially in Canada what is building – fast – just south of the border
should cause all Americans a deal of concern. In Canada a not-so-discreet

Canadian Liberal Party Senator, Sharon Carstairs let the cat out of the
some time back with her witnessed as pointing out before the Community
Legal Education Association, that the new gun law is the lynchpin in her
party’s plan to “socially re-engineer Canada”. 8

Her revelation prompted journalist Lorne Gunter of the Edmonton Journal,
write, “The Liberals believe [the draconian gun law] would re-engineer
Canada, and especially male gun owners, making its citizens more docile.”

Continuing he wrote, “When lawmakers trample centuries-old liberties
without an overwhelming social good, in return . then respect for the law

dies and the rule of law along with it.” 9

As I edited this article, news came to hand that a tenth victim had been
shot and killed in Washington. On the same television news I saw were 10
people were killed and 34 injured in a 24-plus vehicle pile-up on
Interstate 13, near Milwaukee: they died a grizzly, fiery death . but to
wider public such incidents are fill-in news items. They cause no
widespread trauma, certainly nothing equivalent in any way to a win-win
sound bite such as results from the gross uncertainty of the Washington
sniper. Just the same as the Port Arthur massacre. Those who employ
Hegelian dialectics against their fellow man for political gain play
as a finely tuned tool, to control a nation, just as 9/11 did to many
nations. Trauma is an extraordinarily efficient agent, deployed to
control to the State through voluntary surrender by the people of their
inalienable rights and freedoms.

Is it too hard to look at history? Not so long ago the Tavistock guru’s
Aldous Huxley and Timothy Leary under the wing of Capitol International
Airways (CIA), created the first “somatotomic serial killer” Charles
Manson. Hence the spate of earlier school yard shootings in America, and
this latest sniper program prompts me to quote the following for your

“In a quite almost invisible way . OSS-CIA assessment methods transformed

our basic notions about human nature. Thirteen million youths were
screened, selected, trained in complex skills, behaviour-modified .by
of psychological techniques. . In the future both war and peace were to
based on our knowledge of the brain. Intelligence became the key to
survival in the future. Psychology became the new science of human
engineering.” end quote. 10

This morning’s latest “breaking news” of the huge bomb detonated in the
Bali township of Kuta resulting in upwards of 184 killed and ‘hundreds’
more wounded reminds me of the above article. Official reports here are
suspect to say the least. After the Port Arthur Massacre, how can any
Australian trust our present crop of politicians. For in the scheme of
control delivered by politicians, I must remind you: there is no trigger
guard or safety-catch on politicians.

But of one point I can be certain; Dr Peters has not deserted her latest
field of operations, Baltimore and the District of Columbia, and the gun
control network is not going away either. So, in these uncertain times it

is Okay to be unarmed, but if you love freedom with a passion . should
be so reckless as to allow yourself to be disarmed?

Sporting Shooters Association of Australia, Press Release c-1998.
Fairfax – GOOD WEEKEND, 5 April 1997 “In The Firing Line” by Sonya
ISSN 1443-8607 Vol 1 Number 2 Nov. 2000.
American Rifleman – by Daniel T. McElrath, July 2000 p.13
Various Internet sites re Soros and “Gun Control” advocate posted
Fairfax – GOOD WEEKEND, 5 April 1997 “In The Firing Line” by Sonya
Murder By Injection by Eustace Mullins 1988, p.224
American NRA’s ILA article, “Canada: where registration equals
confiscation” American Rifleman, March 2001, p.67-69.

Serial Killers Part II, by Carol Greene and David Hammer (c-1990) p.11.
——–The author gives permission to copy, providing it is done so
without omissions or amendments. SB ——-

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