E Mail From A Brit….

March 1st, 2012

I picked this up from another list–Maybe we should e mail the British
subject and inform him of how we view is nation’s stand on gun control??

What follows is an e-mail exchange between a Brit who happened upon
www.firearms.org and the webmaster of that site. Enjoy.


>>—- Original Message —-
>>From: [email protected]
>>To: [email protected],
>>Subject: RE: Guns
>>Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2001 17:33:49 -0000
>>May I just say that it is so refreshing for me to see, coming from a
>>country that does not allow its citizens to carry or own guns, that
>>you stand for the rights of fallible and rash people do shoot each
>>other dead in the heat of the moment or with malice aforethought.
>>Thank god we have the USA to show the rest of us how not to do it.
>>Your insistance that people should carry deadly weapons is insane
>>and immoral.
>>I hope you enjoy the further decline of what remains of your society.
>>Yours in sad disgust,
>>Matt Gregory

And the response:

>Hello Matt:
>Thanks for your kind words. I have noticed something about the UK as
>of late… since your weapons laws have become more prohibitive your
>crime rates have escalated and your Bobbies have begun carrying
>Blaming guns for homicides is like blaming cars for automobile
>fatalities, which by the way far exceed the number of gun fatalities.
>In fact, drunk driving fatalities alone in this country exceed that
>of firearms fatalities.
>Matt, the United States has been a Nation of Arms ever since our
>armed farmers (with the assistance of your most beloved Frenchmen)
>kicked the **** out of the pansy-ass British troops.
>Today Matt, your Britain is a safe-haven for Terrorists from all over
>the world (God knows they blow enough **** up in your neck of the
>woods). It is indeed interesting that those same terrorists when
>arriving in this country avoid our areas that are heavily armed. IE,
>they prefer the likes of Washington DC, Boston, New York City,
>Chicago, Los Angeles; all US cities that have nearly banned the
>private ownership of weapons; all US cities with the highest personal
>crime rates. Just like jolly old England.
>You should be disgusted Matt; you not only live in a police state but
>under a monarchy of cross-eyed inbreds.
>Thanks again for your note, your gesture stands to remind me that
>tyranny never sleeps and the work of patriotism is neverending.
>Yours in Liberty,