Editor (Broken promises?
Editor (Broken promises?
PUBLICATION: The Toronto Sun
DATE: 2004.12.26
SECTION: Comment
PAGE: 20
COLUMN: Letter of the Day
HEY PAUL Martin! A whole year has gone by and what do we have? Jean Chretien Lite. A whole year of same old, same old…
The democratic deficit is just as large as it was before. How many free votes has Parliament actually had?
How are those helicopters coming?
Still looking for 5,000 soldiers?
Has the gun registry saved that “one life” yet?
Have you got to the bottom of AdScam yet, even though it’s common knowledge that the Liberals are at the bottom of AdScam?
Has putting any money back into health care after previously removing billions, gained you any brownie points from the terminally stupid yet?
It didn’t take you much longer than the length of an election to renege on your East Coast Oil revenue promise, did it?
Is our Coast Guard actually able to “guard” anything yet? (Or don’t you trust them with firearms either?)
Thanks to our “enhanced” border security, we are safe from trained terrorists sneaking across to do us harm. Now, we just have to apply the same enhanced controls to the criminals that have been arrested and deported five or six times.
It was very gratifying to see you launch the inquiry into the gun registry cost overruns, and instruct your people to interview dozens of “stakeholders” to ask for valuable input. Too bad most of the results have since been made a cabinet secret along with the cost-benefit analysis.
I wonder why that is?
How many of those many, many “Number One priorities” you identified during the election have been completed — or even started?
And last but not least, now that the Ontario courts tell us that Liberal promises made by your provincial counterparts during their last campaign are not really legal promises, what are your plans for the next election?
Bill Cunningham
Editor (Broken promises? Didn’t Martin’s Liberals write the — red — book on those?)