Editor (There’s got to be a better way to spend $1 billion)

March 1st, 2012

Editor (There’s got to be a better way to spend $1 billion)

DATE: 2004.12.09
SECTION: Comment
PAGE: 13
COLUMN: Letters to the Editor

Anne McLellan is delusional if she thinks anyone with a hint of common
sense will believe that the failed gun registry is even remotely likely
to prevent violence towards women. Linking this obscene waste of
taxpayers’ money to the horrible tragedy of 15 years ago is even more

Please consider the benefits to society and protection of women if the
government of the day had committed the wasted $1 billion-plus to a
sensible and workable plan to protect all people from assaults — such
as registering criminals, or funding safety education. Now that would be
something to point to and be proud!

Instead, we have a sinkhole of epic proportions, which is being
force-fed by supporters who refuse to look past the fog of emotions
which led to the creation of this disaster.

It’s time to cut off the funding for this mistake, and invest in
programs which will add true value to all our lives.

Steve Stubley
Mission, B.C.

Editor (There’s got to be a better way to spend $1 billion)