Educational Trip to D.C. for Sophomores & Juniors in High School
Educational Trip to D.C. for Sophomores & Juniors in High School
Date: Jan 12, 2006 12:04 AM
The Vermont Friends of the NRA Banquets Committees have
funded such a trip(s) for Vermont 10th & 11th graders.
Free Summer Program for Sophomores and Juniors in High School
Applications are now being accepted for the National Rifle Association’s 2006 Youth Education Summit, a free summer program for high school sophomores and juniors. Forty students will be hand selected to spend a week with NRA staff in Washington, D.C. All attendees have to pay for is transportation to and from Washington, D.C.
This week-long program is spent learning about the NRA, U.S. Congress, the federal government, and the military. Attendees in past years have had the chance to meet NRA’s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, visit Capitol Hill, spend a day at Quantico training on courses used by Marines for basic training, visit the White House, visit the Smithsonian museums, and much, much more…
The 2006 program is scheduled to take place June 19-25. Applications are due in on April 1. If you or anyone you know is interested in attending, visit and download an application.