email sent to K-Mart

March 1st, 2012

My email to K-Mart

From: [email protected]

Date: 29 Jun 2001 14:02:26 PDT
To: [email protected]
Subject: Clarification on your “no ammunition” policy

I just had a few questions regarding the recent no ammunition policy announcement.

1. Are you saying you think your customers are criminals?

2. Do you really think that by not selling ammunition you are affecting anything but your own bottom line and your reputation as an anti-Constitutional merchant?

3. Why do you want to undermine the right of the people to bear arms?

4. Have you considered that no matter how unprofitable you may consider ammunition sales, since K-Mart still bears the stigma of being anti-Second Amendment (thanks to Rosie O’Donnell) any move in this direction will give millions of gun owners the nudge they need to shop elsewhere?

I had stopped shopping at your store when Rosie came out with her statement that all gun owners should be in jail and K-Mart did nothing. When Rosie was released a year and a half later I started shopping there again.

Please remember the old adage: “for every complaint there are 100 people who aren’t happy about the problem”

Please reconsider your policy, you are not solving any problem only creating one for yourself.

Thank you for your time.

Or you can call them at:
Toll Free Telephone: 1-866-KMART 4 U (1-866-562-7848)