Enforcement verses new laws

March 1st, 2012

Gun Debate: Enforcement Vs. Legislation

Tuesday December 12 1:35 PM ET

UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) – Most Americans agree that
better enforcement of current gun laws will have a greater
impact on limiting gun violence than adding more laws to the
books, a Zogby poll reveals.

In the Zogby American Values poll of 1,028 adults
nationwide, 52% of those surveyed identified strictly
prosecuting anyone that uses a gun during a crime as the
single best means of cutting down on gun violence.

Tied as the second most popular solution, at 15%, were
banning handguns, and the implementation of educational
practices designed to teach children self-control. Those
positions were followed by making gun manufacturers liable

Two-percent favored the passage of additional
congressional legislation, and a further 8% cited something
other than these top responses. The remaining 2% were not

Republicans were most virulently in favor of prosecution,
but the largest percentage of Democrats also agreed that
strict enforcement of current laws would be most effective;
only a statistically insignificant portion of each party
wanted more gun law legislation.

Democrats, however, were three times as likely to favor a
ban on handguns.

The poll has a margin of error of +/- 3.2%.

What we asked:

“Which of the following is the best way to solve gun
violence in America: Prosecuting those caught using a gun in
a crime, more legislation regarding gun control from
Congress, making gun manufacturers liable, having parents
/schools teach children self-control, banning handguns,
other or not sure?’