Excellent commentary from an American Veteran

March 1st, 2012

Alan Wild from Rhode Island – 11:00am Mar 4, 2000 EST (#2378 )
I have to wonder how many anti-gun people have truly researched the
“gun-control” issue. How many have gone to the JPFO (Jews for the
Preservation of Firearms Ownership) web site ( http://www.jpfo.org )and
read all their material, or the NRA site ( http://www.nra.org ) and studied
what they are saying?
Instead, it seems people permit themselves to receive only the quick
sound-bytes of Dan Rather selling fear, or Daniel Schorr complaining about
how stubborn the RKBA (Right to Keep and Bear Arms) people are, wondering
why they don’t see things His way. For Daniel Schorr, that is some kind of
contradiction. He has been honored for his defense of the First Amendment.
The Bill of Rights is a circumlocutive rights-defense-of-rights system that
works. It will continue to work well into the future because it is simple;
it is about natural freedoms, the right to say what’s on your mind, and the
right to self-defense against criminals both individual and in government.
The tragic accidents that occur, such as the recent 6 year-old shooting in
Michigan, are heart-wrenching. Crime was a lifestyle in the home where the
weapon came from. None of the laws already on the books were enforced to
work to prevent that shooting crime. One cannot imagine that more laws
would do any good, except to constrain honest people like myself from
exercising our freedoms.
Indeed, all such fatal accidents are very difficult to endure, and I have
to wonder why the tens of children killed on that same day in automobile
accidents were not mourned on the front page as well. Are their lives worth
any less? Or are their lives not as convenient a tool for some cultural
control movement?
The following statistics are from the FBI.
11% of all firearm owners and 13% of all handgun owners have used their
weapons for self-defense.
A mere .2% of all firearms, and .4% of handguns are used annually in crime.
Clearly, self-defense is the primary use of the firearm. But the media
doesn’t want us to know that. Why? I have to ask why? Do media sales suffer
from truths?
Alan Wild from Kingson, Rhode Island
I am an Army veteran; I have offered to protect Americas freedoms with my
life, and I am a life member in the NRA.