Explain this to me…..

March 1st, 2012

It seems the Governor of Kentucky was having an affair with a female, married nursing home owner. While they were making boom-boom certain state contracts were steered her way (she also owns a big construction company).

When she suddenly remembered that she had promised to “love, honor and obey” someone else she ended her low-key bump and grind sessions with the “Gov” and he retaliated by sending state regulators to the nursing home. Of course they found violations all over the place (those nursing homes are rackets anyway so that couldn’t have been too dificult!)and they went under.

Now the bimbo….uh, excuse me nursing home owner is screaming loudly to the press saying that “His (dis)Honor” is a scumbag, etc. (Like she’s not!)

Of course it goes without saying that this guy is a demo-rat.

What is it with Demo-rats anyway? Do they all think with their “other heads?” From Barney Franks to The Perjurer in Chief they just can’t seem to stay zipped…

Oh, the nursing home is in (are you ready for this?)….Clinton, Kentucky!