Fellow shooters – I offer a short story to you
Allo, Mssr (name suppressed):
(Readers: The subject at hand is a story about
an anti-freedom crusader, nay zealot, who has
apparently seen the light. This was mailed to me
by a very old, and very dear friend. And, because
Ms. Fonda is also an anti-gunner of some repute,
I desire to share my answer to my old friend with
the members of this forum. I hope you’ll forgive
me if you’re bored by it or by the subject.)
Thank you for sending me this. Although, I
appreciate your attempt at tempering my opinion
of Ms. Fonda. The simple truth is that not enough
evidence has been presented.
I have had no message from on high about this
person, nor is one expected, as I have never been
in direct communications with our Lord in the way
that Evangelical preachers suggest they themselves
are. For me, the evidence must be Earthbound and
in substantial quantities for me to reassess my
opinion of this person.
———- answer begins ——————-
Jane Fonda becomes a born-again Christian
Jan. 14, 2000 – The Washington Times was slow to
report it, but its story about Jane Fonda’s
conversion is very positive. Some additional
nformation: One of her longtime critics ranks her
conversion “right up there with Saul of Tarsus.”
(Readers: The story of Saul of Tarsus is one of a
redeemed personage and appears in Acts 9:10
through 9:15, should you wish to review it.)
My answer to the Washington Times story is this:
Re: Fonda
Until she stands before all and denounces her anti-freedom activities.
Until she stands before all and denounces her anti-gun activities.
Until she stands before all and denounces her anti-self defense activities.
Until she stands before all and grieves for the Constitution.
Until she stands before all and recognizes the Bill of Rights without compromise.
Until she stands before all and apologizes to all Veterans everywhere
Until she stands before all and begs forgiveness for her treason.
Until then I will offer nothing in the way of a pardon for her.
For I remember well her activities against The Flag
For I remember well her activities against Guns
For I remember well her activities against Self-defense
For I remember well her activities against The Constitution
For I remember well her activities against The Bill of Rights
For I remember well her activities against Veterans
For I remember well her activities against Our Country
And I remember the story of the Wolf and the Three Little Pigs.
The Wolf lied.
For that is the way of a Wolf.
Au revoir, mon ami
————- message ends ————–