firearm safety
Firearms Safety
Everyone needs to learn about firearms safety, even if they do NOT own a gun. You or your children may encounter guns in public areas, or at friends’ houses. Even if you do not like guns or want to be around them, you should learn a few very basic safety measures and teach them to your kids.
It is a thoroughly documented fact that accidental shootings by young people have been declining for many years. Credit for this is largely due to the NRA’s safety programs. The anti-gun people have done little to actually prevent or reduce accidents and injuries. They simply want to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. We recognize that they may have good intentions, but their approach is absolutely wrong.
Very Young Kids Need to Know:
If you see a gun-
Don’t Touch!
Leave the Area!
Tell an Adult!
This is the strategy developed by the National Rifle Association, which has been involved in firearms safety training for over 100 years.
In 1998 the State of Utah adopted this approach as the approved firearms safety lesson for elementary schools in the state. The Utah Shooting Sports Council supported this legislation, and many USSC individual members and affiliated organizations have been active in teaching or financially supporting this education program for several years prior to that.
For an illustrated version of this important safety message, check the NRA’s “Eddie Eagle” page
Older Children and Adults Need to Know:
Treat every gun as if it were loaded
Keep it pointed in a safe direction
Don’t put your finger near the trigger until you are ready to shoot.
These are just a summary. We strongly recommend you take a few minutes to learn more about Basic Gun Safety Rules
Gun Owners Should Know:
Teach your family members about gun safety
Never leave a loaded gun where a child is likely to find it and handle it
Take reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access to guns and ammunition
Never handle guns after consuming alcohol
We suggest you consider use of a gun safeor other suitable container for your firearms. Many fine safes are made by companies right here in Utah. They are recommended to prevent theft of valuable collector’s items as well as to deter access by people who might use them in an unsafe or illegal manner. These vary from massive bank vault quality containers to lightweight inexpensive models. Prices range from about $150 to $2,500 depending on size and quality.
If you want to use trigger locks on your guns, read and follow the instructions as most should not be used on a loaded gun. Trigger locks are available at sporting goods stores, and even WalMart. Price for a trigger lock is in the $5-10 range.
Deseret News Janaury 25, 2000:
Layton police handing out 1,200 gun locks for residents
LAYTON ? Police are handing out 1,200 gun locks to residents who want to make sure firearms in the home are safe from young hands.
The giveaway is part of the “Project Homesafe” gun safety program in partnership with the Davis County Safe Home School Community’s executive committee.
The gun locks were donated by Browning Arms and the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Police are asking residents take no more than two of the locks per household. Residents will be asked to show photo identification with a local address. The locks are available on a first come, first served basis.
Police will also pass out a brochure giving firearm safety tips.