Firepower and Freedom
>Firepower and Freedom
>by David Goree
>The brilliant thinkers that wrote our Constitution had it right. They had
>just fought a war to overthrow an oppressive government, and they had won
>by having similar technologies to this oppressive Government and tactics
>more suitable to the type of war they were fighting. These geniuses wrote
>the Second Amendment to ensure that this balance continued for the future
>this great Nation.
>”A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State,
>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” -
>The Second Amendment to the US Constitution
>There is a story from my wife’s family that makes this so perfectly clear.
>”During the year 1780 Lord Dunmore conducted a campaign against the forces
>of Revolutionary General Andrew Lewis, who was placed in the area of
>County. Dunmore’s assault was by sea up the Pianketank River and by landing
>party via Point Pleasant. This placed Milford Haven, home of Houlder
>Hudgins, was directly in the line of battle. Enraged by this, Houlder
>Hudgins fitted out one of his fleet, the brigantine ‘Queen Charlotte’ as a
>war vessel, manned it and presented it to General Lewis to repel the
>invaders. There ensued the Battle of Gwynns Island, at the end of which the
>attack was thwarted and the forces of Lord Dunmore dispersed.”
>An account of the above incident appeared in the July 10, 1812 issue of The
>Virginia Argus follows;
>”Houlder Hudgins, Esq.; was a member of the Gloucester County Committee of
>Safety, and in 1780 fitted out, manned and presented to General Andrew
>a vessel called ‘Queen Charlotte’ which played a critical part in The
>of Gwynns Island in which the forces of Lord Dunmore were decisively
>defeated. Mr. Hudgins was the owner of a fleet of vessels trading to and
>from the West Indies. His home was situated directly in the line of attack
>of the Dunmore forces. It was a natural and patriotic action for him to
>assist in the destruction of the enemy by driving him from the shores of
>own country and his very home.”
>A 21st Century Houlder Hudgins, faced with an Aegis cruiser in his backyard
>would have no such option. Imagine for a moment, walking out your door to
>find an M1-A2 tank outside. Can you own anything that can do more than
>a tank? No, you cannot. Can you own anything that can even reach an F-16?
>No, you cannot. The FBI or BATF would knock on your door within hours if
>tried to order such an item, or even discussed it with any intent.
>(Attention all Federal agents…this is all discussed as a matter of
>potential future interest, not a plot to overthrow the Government
>got it..?)
>So…what must our 21st century Houlder Hudgins do to free his home from a
>future oppressive Government? Simple…Vote Libertarian!
>The Libertarian Party is the only political party that is totally committed
>to the principle of the Second Amendment. In a Libertarian society
>Government would be so small and limited in power and authority that it
>would be terribly unlikely for Government to get out of control. The People
>however must always have the ability to make Government fear the people
>rather than the People fear the government as so many do today.
>I thank the geniuses that wrote our Constitution, as well as patriots like
>Houlder Hudgins for giving us the gift of Freedom! We cannot allow our
>generation to be the one that watches it slip away. Vote Libertarian!
>Dave Goree is a racing engineer and custom vehicle builder in Asheville NC.
>Owner of Things That Make US GO…! and Libertarian pain in the ass to
>government folks that do stupid things. Dave was the Libertarian candidate
>for Mayor of Asheville in 2001, and will likely be again in 2005. Dave has
>wildly varied background. He has been a motorcycle road racer, a flight
>instructor, a stockbroker, a business owner, a mechanic, an inventor, and a
>racing engineer as well as the aforementioned pain in the ass. He is 37
>years old, married to Caroline, with a son, 9, Nicholas.