Fla Alert: HB 363 is BAD News!
Forewarned is Forearmed
Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
Florida State Legislative Update — 11/19/99
The Florida legislature may not yet be in session, but that didn’t
stop 4 State Reps. from pre-filing a massive anti-gun bill with the
state. HB 363 is not only an attack on gun rights, but an attack on
parental control of minors and a blatant misuse of your tax dollars.
HB 363, innocently titled the “Children’s Firearm Responsibility Act
of 2000,” reflects the state’s desire to virtually eliminate gun
ownership. Here are some of the attacks on your rights contained
within HB 363:
* “Lock Up Your Safety” storage requirements make criminals out
of anyone who wants their gun reasonably accessible for
self-defense, and requires locking devices be sold (increasing your
purchase cost) with every handgun. Violations of this anti-gun
scheme are to be FELONY charges, resulting in your loss of gun
rights upon conviction.
* Two pages of the bill are devoted entirely to listing the types
of semi-auto weapons that are banned (pretty much all of them) and a
further two pages describe the criteria for a legal “safe” handgun–
the triggerlock requirement is just the tip of THAT iceberg.
* Creates a government-run commission to work in schools on
“anti-violence” programs. This will be funded with a million of
your tax dollars and for all intents will merely be a forum for
anti-gun groups (who may apply for grants for working capital) to
brainwash your children. The grants will be made available to any
“public or private nonprofit agency with experience in violence
prevention.” This is an invitation to groups such as Handgun
Control, Inc., to operate in the schools with the government’s
* Gives teachers/school staff the right of confidentiality with
your children– without any parental consent or notification.
HB 363 also contains the usual collection of ineffective anti-gun
answers to school violence, such as Gestapo-like tactics to keep
guns off-campus rather than arming a few responsible teachers, and
psychological evaluations and counseling programs designed to teach
children the state’s stance on “personal health, safety, and
responsibility.” This last is particularly frightening because it
is an open door to advance the nanny-state agenda by socializing our
GOA will track this dangerous bill closely and keep you informed as
the legislative session begins. Be prepared for a major fight on
this one. Don’t be fooled by the rhetoric– this bill is not about
the safety of your children, but about getting your guns, and your
children, away from you.
Any ?’s Call GOA
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