FLA: Crime – message from the Governor

March 1st, 2012


On Monday, I was pleased to stand with Tim Moore, Commissioner of the Florida
Department of Law Enforcement, to announce that our state’s crime rate is at
the lowest level in 28 years. The index crime rate – which is based on
murder, forcible sex, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor
vehicle theft – declined 8.1 percent last year, following an historic drop of
10.8 percent the year before. Credit must go to the women and men of law
enforcement, as well as to the people of Florida who are committed to
maintaining our tougher sentencing laws and our vision of zero tolerance for
crime. The 10-20-Life law, the Reoffender Punishment Act, the Three-Strike
Violent Felony Offender Act, and our 85 percent time-served laws, have all
helped to restore communities across our state and to save lives