Forget 3rd parties – it’s either Bush or Gore
Unless an asteroid hits one or both major political conventions this summer it looks like we’ve got a race between Bush The Younger and Al The Socialist.
Bush rates a “B” on gun issues. A lot of folks are still P.O.’d at his dad (I’m one of them), and think that he won’t have the guts to take a lot of heat on gun issues. (Maybe.)
However, Al Gore qualifies as a “Domestic Enemy of the Constitution” who will actively promote gun legislation that would make the `68 Act look tame by comparison. If Gore becomes President and the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives we’re in big trouble. Even if the Democrats do not regain control of the House, the two or three Supreme Court Justices Gore will get to appoint can be counted on to embrace an ever expanding role of government in our lives.
The only thing a 3rd party (i.e. the so-called Reform Party) can accomplish is to siphon votes away from Bush. Do we want a repeat of 1992?