From a Non Gun Owner (on another board)
” Posted by: PMS Witch
In reply to: ONEBGG who wrote msg# 2376
Date: 2/24/2002 11:17:38 AM
Post # of 2416
“A few people may be wondering about my posting on the Gun thread. Since I don?t have a gun, nor do I know anything about them, it does seem strange. I?ll offer an explanation.
A couple of federal elections ago, our local Member of Parliament, (Roughly equivalent U.S. Congress) decided to retire from politics. Members of his party needed to find a replacement. At this same time, politicians were debating stricter gun regulations. A number of members of a local gun club attended our nomination meetings. This was my first exposure to these people.
One very outstanding characteristic of the gun people was the passion and commitment they possessed for their cause. Their opinions and beliefs with respect to this issue was unwavering. They seemed to think with one mind, speak with one voice, and act with one pair of hands. They gave new meaning to the word united. If there was any dissent among them, it was well hidden.
I knew nothing of their cause. As they began to articulate their position, a clear pattern emerged. In addition to their gun concerns, they stood for individual responsibility, law and order, good citizenship, and wise stewardship of taxpayer?s dollars. They believed that the privilege and responsibility of governing should be bestowed only on those who possess proper wisdom, ethics, character, and morals. They seemed uncomfortable with candidates who appeared too smooth, antagonistic toward the patronising fast talkers, and vehemently opposed to those who were supported by groups and organisations well known for applying political pressure. In short, they wanted their politics clean and honourable. (Fat chance!)
I soon realised that I shared a number of views with these people. Since opinions expressed by groups often carry more weight than those of individuals, I decided to support their cause. I had no love for guns. I also had no fear of guns. I viewed them as tools, designed for a work I never do. In my mind, they were like chain saws: just another noisy rural nuisance. (But at times, necessary!) I wanted support for my opinions, and they welcomed a female voice. The marriage worked.
Eventually, we selected a candidate whom everyone could support. Later, the federal election ended with a landslide victory for our opponents. Shortly after taking office, the new government updated Canada?s gun laws.
I?ve moved from my rural home into the city. Since moving, I never encounter people for whom this is a major issue. Then I stumbled onto this thread.
Cheers, PW.
P.S. The gun people seemed preoccupied with exposing some imaginary national hidden agenda of firearm confiscation. At that time, this view was treated as ridiculous silliness. Our new laws say that to own a gun, one needs a piece of paper from the government. What happens when our government refuses to renew an individual?s papers? (If it looks like confiscation, acts like confiscation, and smells like confiscation?)