From Neal Knox
—– Original Message —–
From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]>
To: “Firearms Coalition Alerts List” <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 1:50 PM
Subject: California License Bills Pass
> June 11 Neal Knox Update — The California Senate and Assembly
> last week approved differing handgun licensing bills which require
> thumbprinting, training and a proficiency demonstration, with
> maximum fees of $30 and $50.
> The Assembly bill passed by the absolute minimum, with seven
> Democrats voting against it, and no Republicans voting for it.
> The Assembly also passed a so-called “trigger lock” bill by
> 44-29. It says “no dealer may sell” any handgun after 2006 unless
> it “includes an integrated mechanical safety device or other
> incorporated design technology … as part of its original
> manufacture.”
> Approved methods include: “radio tagging, touch memory, remote
> control, fingerprint, magnetic encoding and other automatic user
> identification systems using biometrics, mechanical and electronic
> systems.”
> Significantly, law enforcement officers wouldn’t have to use
> such guns. There are also exemptions for Federally defined curios
> and relics, and guns used for Olympic target shooting. The fine
> would be $50,000 per gun sold.
> Gov. Gray Davis, who is up to his eyeballs trying to resolve
> the state’s energy problems, hasn’t yet taken a position on any new
> gun bills, but has said he thinks law enforcement should get up to
> speed on the five new laws enacted last year before passing any new
> ones..
> —————
> Former Senator and Waco Special Counsel John Danforth’s made
> a strange pronouncement a few days ago that his Waco investigation
> was hampered by FBI roadblocks, but that, nevertheless, he was
> correct in absolving them of any wrongdoing.
> American Spectator Columnist Jim Bovard has offered the best
> explanation for that disconnected statement: Danforth was pushing
> to get his name in the press just when the Supreme Court is winding
> up its season — just in case any Justice retires, and President
> Bush needs to appoint someone.
> Danforth would probably whiz through the new Democrat-
> controlled Senate because he’s a member of the Senate club and a
> “moderate.” As soon as he announced his resignation from the
> Senate he denounced “the gun lobby,” which should have endeared him
> to Courts Subcommittee Chairman Charles Schumer.
> —————-
> Friday’s murderous knife attack on a Japanese elementary
> school, in which eight first and second graders were killed and 21
> others were injured, was more deadly than any U.S. school shooting
> except Columbine.
> The Japanese have derided the U.S. for years because of the
> “easy availability” of firearms, yet the worst of the school
> shootings was sexual pervert Thomas Hamilton’s grim toll of 17
> murdered kindergartners in Dunblane, Scotland.
> Hamilton had a difficult-to-obtain handgun license. The
> mindless British response was to ban all handguns by canceling all
> licenses.
> Japan has preached in the United Nations — as they again will
> next month — that the U.S. should at least copy the pre-ban
> British licensing system.
> Will Japan ban kitchen knives?
> –
> Help us keep you informed! Send your Firearms Coalition dues to:
> Neal Knox Associates
> 7771 Sudley Road, No. 44
> Manassas, VA 20109
> Suggested annual dues are the price of a box of ammunition — $15 – $25.
> –
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