From Neal Knox

March 1st, 2012

From: “Neal Knox” <[email protected]>

> June 9 Neal Knox Update — The United Nations “Conference on
> the Illicit Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its
> Aspects” fires up today with gun destruction ceremonies all over
> the world.
> There’s been enough uproar that the U.S. delegation is trying
> to soothe angry Americans, who justifiably fear that the conference
> will pass resolutions calling for new gun laws in member states.
> “The U.N. conference mandate specifically excludes consideration of
> domestic gun-control issues,” a senior U.S. official told reporters
> Friday.
> He pointed out that NRA-ILA will participate as a Non-
> Governmental Organization. Big deal. NRA’s NGO status allows it
> to object. That’s all.
> There are about 179 other NGO’s attending, most of them eager
> to shout down NRA’s UN NGO representative, Tom Mason. I talked
> with Tom at the Kansas City meetings; he said they’ll be coming at
> us with a string of demands. Contrary to what’s on the internet,
> demands are all they can make.
> The conference cannot impose anything, nor can the U.N. — as
> much as they would like to.
> But there’ll be big whoop-te-doo in the press, and it will
> provide more fodder for the anti-gun crowd in Congress.
> ———————
> President Bush’s nominee for FBI Director, Robert Mueller, has
> some folks worried because Barbara Boxer has said kind words about
> him. From what little I know of him, he’s much more like John
> Ashcroft, who recommended him.
> He’s a decorated combat Marine, one who’s known for hard-
> charging brusqueness, which will be a huge change from the smooth
> outgoing director Louis Freeh — who Capitol Hill Republicans
> unaccountably loved. Mueller knows FBI, but is not of FBI, which
> is a must in my book.
> Boxer likes him because he cleaned up a mess in the San
> Francisco U.S. Attorney’s office. Eric Holder, former right hand
> to Janet Reno likes him because he voluntarily gave up a plush
> practice with a private law firm, after a stint as an Assistant
> Attorney General, to become a line prosecutor of D.C. murderers –
> a job that doesn’t offer glory or political brownie points, but
> speaks well of him.
> He ran the investigation of the BCCI money laundering scandal
> (which might make Sen. Orrin Hatch nervous) and other difficult
> major operations while in the first Bush Justice Department.
> Whether he can clean up the FBI is debatable, but he sounds more
> likely than one of the FBI apologists who I feared would get the job.
> One thing about it, real warriors like Mueller don’t think
> highly of imitation warriors who make war on women and children at
> places like Waco and Ruby Ridge. Congress doesn’t want to hear
> about such outrages, but with a 10 year term, national upset over
> Hanssen, Wen Ho Lee, the Atlanta Olympic bombing and a dozen other
> screwups, he just might be the one to restore credibility to the
> FBI.
> —————–
> Congress is coming back this week, and the House is tackling
> the Campaign Finance issue — a Republican version and the Senate-
> passed McCain-Feingold bill that seeks to strangle public
> involvement in elections, legalizes campaign contribution bribery,
> and is loaded with incumbent protection features.
> In a nutshell, John McCain wants to torpedo what he once
> praised me and NRA for doing in Arizona Federal and state
> elections.
> McCain has grown addicted to the press adulation for twisting
> Republican — and gunowners’ — tails. The press has been
> speculating for a year that he would jump parties, or run an
> independent Presidential candidate, but they’re backing off that
> third-party idea since polls showed that in a three-way race McCain
> would take more votes from a Democrat Presidential candidate than
> the Republican.
> Gunowners are part of a fledgling Arizona recall effort thanks
> to his push for gun control measures. McCain is taking the recall
> effort seriously, and has just sent a letter to all the Republican
> precinct chairmen in the state “explaining” his recent positions on
> gun show restrictions and other issues..
> ——————
> Seth Waxman, the Bill Clinton Solicitor General who declared
> last year that the Second Amendment applied only to National Guard-
> issued guns, has gone to work for Wilmer, Cutler and Pickering, one
> of the major political legal firms in D.C. That’s appropriate for
> Lloyd Cutler, one of the partners, has long been a prime mover and
> counselor to Handgun Control Inc.
> Waxman also made the incredible argument before the ultra-liberal
> San Francisco-based Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (which disagreed
> 6-5) that FBI Sniper Lon Horiuchi couldn’t be prosecuted under Idaho law
> for shooting Vickie Weaver. “Federal law-enforcement officials are
> privileged to do what would otherwise be unlawful if done by a
> private citizen,” he said.
> Horiuchi, like the Nuremberg Nazis, was only following orders:
> to shoot any armed adult in sight — orders so unconstitutional
> that no one in FBI has ever admitted to drafting them.
> ——————–
> The Physicians and Educators firearms expertise form –
> designed to put a crimp in anti-gun preaching — is now on
> le,_Part_III.htm
> Joe Horn, who had circulated it, says David Codrea did most of
> the work on that good piece.
> ——————-
> Ace Hardware is running backwards from their Rosie O’Donnell
> paint promotion. They’ve pulled an item about Rosie using Ace
> paint off their web page, and are swearing that she isn’t employed
> as a spokesman and has no official ties to Ace.
> Congratulations, folks. You got their attention.
> –
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