Future unarmed victims (he wants his daughters easy access for any available rapist!

March 1st, 2012

I pray that your “prediction” does NOT come true , for your daughters’ sakes!
All you are acheiving with gun bans is making your daughter unarmed victims for the next rapist because rapists do not need guns to fullfill their job. May the good Lord always be with your daughter, cause you sure aint gonna be!

Letter: One day all guns will be banned in Canada
Date: Oct 6, 2006 3:18 PM
GLOBE AND MAIL – 2006.10.06

Banning guns


One day, when we come to our senses, all guns will be banned in Canada
except in very limited circumstances. When that happens, we will look
back and wonder how we could have been so stupid as to allow the
ownership of such destructive and unnecessary devices.

Will this eliminate all guns from Canada? Of course not. Will it reduce
the number of tragic deaths and injuries from guns? Of course it will.

I just hope my prediction comes true soon. My teenaged daughters have a
long list of reasons to think my generation and I are stupid.

A ban on guns during my lifetime would shorten that list.

The Second Amendment IS Homeland Security !