Fw: Anti-Gun Nut Logic from Les Lemke

March 1st, 2012

Did the fact that the car was registered and the driver was liscensed stop it from happening???????


Fw: Anti-Gun Nut Logic from Les Lemke

If a man plows into 10 people with a car and kills them it’s the man’s fault – not the car’s fault nor the public’s easy access to cars.

On the other hand…

If a man shoots 10 people dead with a firearm it’s the gun’s fault – and the public’s easy access to guns.

So much for the logic from the anti-gun nuts.

I hope you all have noticed there has not been any public outcry for banning cars since that 85 year old man plowed into that crowd of flea market shoppers in California. However, had that same man killed 10 people with a gun the anti-gunners would have gone nuts with more emotional cries for more gun control laws.
